105 FETÖ suspects in 17 provinces to be detained

Ankara Public Prosecutor's Office has issued detention warrants on Wednesday for 105 suspects, including military members in 17 provinces throughout Turkey under the scope of the Gülenist terror-cult (FETÖ)-led failed coup attempt probe.

The investigation focuses on FETÖ's military imams, who gave instructions to Gülenists within the military.

Imam is a term used to describe FETÖ leader Fetullah Gülen's point men in every field from law enforcement to the judiciary, who convey instructions they and other followers heed.

On July 15, over 240 people were killed and more than 2,000 people were injured -- during the failed coup attempt by FETÖ.

Gülen and his followers are accused of attempting to infiltrate Turkey's state institutions -- especially the military, police apparatus and judiciary -- with the ultimate aim of creating a parallel state. Turkey has requested the extradition of Gülen from the U.S. to stand trial for a series of crimes.