Probe deepens to identify second Ankara bomber

Ankara Public Prosecutor's Office confirmed in a statement on Monday that one of the suicide bombers in the horrific Ankara bombing was identified as an ISIS-linked terrorist named Yunus Emre Alagöz, while the efforts to find the second suspect are still ongoing.

The DNA tests also revealed that Alagöz was the brother of Şeyh Abdurrahman Alagöz, the suicide bomber who carried out the deadly Suruç bombing that killed 33 people and wounded more than 100 on July 20.

Meanwhile, the efforts to find the second suicide bomber in the incident are still underway. A police sketch for the second perpetrator has also been published. While police could not identify the second perpetrator since his DNA did not match, he is assumed to be of different origin. The suspect that speaks Arabic is believed to be around 170 cm high and in his 30s.

In the statement released on Monday, the Office said that the suspect was identified by photographs. The statement also added that hundreds of kilograms of explosives were found in five depots. In the depots, 10 suicide vests and 2.5 tons of ammonium nitrate were also found.

The Office also implied that the bombers came from Syria, saying that they were from a "neighboring country in the south."

Previously, the Office imposed a broadcast ban on the Ankara bombings on the ground, as such reports could put the investigation at risk. Monday's statement was criticized by some media outlets, which reported despite the ban, which led 9 suspects to escape. The office called it the irresponsibility of such media outlets.