10 tips for a healthy old age
Regular exercise is an important element of growing old in a healthy way.

As rapid developments in both medicine and technology today have increased life span considerably, we need to learn how to grow old in a healthy way

In this century, the World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with new classifications for human aging, considering 66-79 years old to be middle-aged and 80-99 years old to be elderly or senior. Many diseases such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) have also become more common in parallel with the prolongation of our lives. Acıbadem Kadıköy Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Yaser Süleymanoğlu gave 10 tips for a healthy old age, bringing important warnings and recommendations into focus.


The positive impact of dancing in Europe and the Far East on healthy aging was proven many years ago. Dance therapy has been institutionalized in European countries today. Old age specialists and physiotherapists working in this field direct the elderly to such dance clubs as part of healthy aging and preventive rehabilitation. Dance therapy helps the elderly feel better, preventing them from falling into depression. While helping a stronger muscle system, it also reduces the risk of falling.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise and regular breathing help throw out the carbon monoxide and toxic carbon gases accumulated in the lungs, as well as dispose of the lactic acid accumulated in muscles, kidneys and brain cells. In this way, as the heart muscle becomes younger, capillary circulation becomes more efficient and the antioxidant system works more easily.

Have good quality sleepInstead of sleeping for a long time, it is better to have enough and quality sleep. For the elderly, some five-six hours of high-quality sleep strengthens the immune system; the release of melatonin hormones in the brain during sound sleep relaxes the body. The release of melatonin is very sensitive. It begins in the darkest and the quietest atmosphere of the night, reaching the peak after midnight and decreasing again. For this reason, sleep at 11:00 p.m. at the latest. Do not use a night light in the bedroom.

Avoid white flour

White and refined food increases the secretion of insulin while causing fatty liver and obesity. This increases the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart diseases, diabetes and cancer. Try to consume at least one portion of vegetables and two portions of fruit instead of carbohydrates a day.

Restrict salt intake

You can reduce salt intake by 15 percent by removing the salt shaker from the table. Try to flavor your meals with spices instead of salt. Food such as ketchup, ready-to-eat pickles and salad dressings have a high salt content, so stay away from them or consume them very rarely.

Undergo check-ups

It is possible to get rid of many fatal diseases by regular and timely medical examinations. Even if you do not have any complaints, undergoing a check-up once a year will help diagnose insidious diseases without early symptoms.

Avoid smoking

Smoking is the biggest risk for health; it has over 4,000 carcinogenic substances in it. Passive smokers also suffer from 3,700 types of chemical gas. While most of them are poisonous, the rest are carcinogenic gases. The more exposure to cigarette smoke, the greater the risk of heart attack and lung cancer.

Drink plenty of water

Make sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Water makes it easier to dispose of toxins from the liver, intestines and kidneys. Do not wait for thirst to drink water. Drinking less water invites germs since it eases down the speed of sweat glands and kidneys. Also, the disease process takes longer.

Get flu vaccinations

Epidemic diseases are spread easily across the world today. The frequency of influenza and pneumonia has been on the rise in recent years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the best method of protection from these diseases is vaccination.

Think positively

Rest your mind and think positively. If you cannot manage your stress, seek help from a specialist when necessary. According to research by the American Psychological Association (APA), stress leads to sleep problems in more than 40 percent of adults.