Daily Sabah
Obesity and pregnancy increase risk of varicose veins
Keeping your legs high will help you boost your blood circulation to prevent varicose veins.

We need to take some precautions to prevent enlarged and swollen varicose veins, which can occur because of genetic susceptibility, hormonal changes, obesity and an immobile lifestyle. Here are some things you should pay attention to

Varicose veins are seen in females much more than males and they are one of the vascular diseases that we expose. These veins, which increase in summer months, are thought as an aesthetic problem but they can turn into an important health issue if they are not treated. The most proper time to treat varicose veins is in the autumn and winter months.

Varicose veins are the blue-green veins enlarged and twisted on the skin of the legs. The legs affected by these veins can be disturbing even if they are not painful. The exact reason for varicose veins is not known. We can shortly say that it is a disease that appears because of a valve insufficiency in veins. These puffy blue and green veins, which can be seen with the naked eye, are the clearest symptom of the disease.

Genetic susceptibility, hormonal changes, obesity and an immobile lifestyle can be among the reasons that cause varicose veins. Hormones have a great role in their occurrence. This is why they are more likely to be seen in pregnant women.

Obesity and varicose veins

According to research, the risk of varicose veins occurrence is more likely in overweight and obese people. Even if the reason for this risk is not known, it is thought that one of the reasons is venous insufficiency that affects blood circulation.

Varicose veins generally appear when veins in the legs weaken and enlarge and the little valves lose their functions. As a result, blood cannot be pumped through veins and starts to accumulate. This causes puffy veins which are seen under the surface of the skin.

Excessive weight and obesity can effect blood circulation negatively, causing swelling in the legs and feet. This slows down the circulation. Also, blood circulation can be affected negatively by immobile lifestyles that mostly bring weight and obesity with. That is, we can evaluate it as a situation triggering each other.

Take into consideration these suggestions

You can decrease the problem of varicose veins with some precautions that are listed below:

Do a lot of exercise for good blood circulation.

Keep your legs 15-30 centimeters up from your heart level while sleeping.

Don't put on weight too much weight. Obesity increases the risk of varicose veins although it has not been determined to be a direct cause. However, a lazy lifestyle and excess weight causes valves to expose high pressure and blood cannot be pumped upward in this situation as the muscles are not worked sufficiently. This can be a reason for the occurrence of varicose veins.

Wash your legs with cold water every day in order to boost the circulation. This can prevent the occurrence of varicose veins. Wash them with circular movements upward, starting from ankle. You can use moisturizer or body oil to have softer and brighter skin. Also, don't rub the varicose veins with a coarse bath-glove because you can you can irritate them.

In order to boost blood circulation take Vitamin E. Vitamin C and B are good for strengthening your blood vessels.

Massage your legs. You can prepare a mixture of coconut oil, three drops of lavender oil and a drop of peppermint oil. Put this mixture into a bottle and spray it directly on your legs.

Put your high heels aside and use them only on special days.

Avoid tight clothes that warp your legs, groin and waist because they can cause the squeezing of the blood flow in the legs.

Try acupuncture treatment to boost circulation and change still energy.

After a bath, use castor oil directly on the vessels. Massage upward from your feet in a straight way.

Avoid standing for a long time.

A few drops of rosemary oil can boost circulation in your legs.

Bend your legs downward and upward, and turn your ankles right and left at least two times a day.

Add foods which are high in fiber, like apple, to your eating program.

Prefer foods rich in calcium because varicose veins can appear because of calcium deficiency.

Consume pineapple to decrease swelling and inflammation in the legs.

Fruits such as raspberry, blackberry and cherry contain pigments that strengthen the vein walls.

Drink plenty of water to boost your intestines.

Try to not sit for a longer period than 30 minutes. Moving and doing exercise support the blood flow and decrease the risk of varicose veins. When you have to stand for so long, try to sit often and lift up your feet.

Pregnancy and varicose veins

Even if varicose veins are not life-threatening, it affects your life quality because of its negative impact on your appearance. It has been observed that varicose veins are generally seen in pregnant women more frequently. Even if some women do not have varicose veins, their complaints about it increase during pregnancy and postpartum. Varicose veins are often genetic.

Varicose veins in pregnancy appear as a result of the expander effects of hormones on vascular smooth vessels. A mother's womb increases pressure on leg veins, especially in the last months of pregnancy. The amount of blood increases during pregnancy and this can also trigger the occurrence of varicose veins.

Varicose veins, which are frequent in pregnancy, are generally seen on the left leg as a result of our bodies' anatomy. In pregnant women, the period when varicose veins are seen most is between the 37th and 40th week, which is the last period of pregnancy. However, this is not something to be scared of because a big part of these veins go away in the first six weeks after birth.

The symptoms of varicose veins in pregnancy are similar to the general symptoms. These symptoms can be a cramp in the leg, itching in the region of the varicose veins or a burning sensation. Be careful not to stand for long periods of time. These complaints will increase in the last period of pregnancy.

You can prevent the occurrence of varicose veins in pregnancy with a few small steps:

Avoid sitting in the same place for long periods of time and change your position often.

Movement is the biggest enemy of varicose veins. Go for a walk regularly in the mornings and at nights. Sports in which leg muscles are actively used, such as swimming and cycling, decrease the risk of varicose veins in pregnancy.

It will be better to wear flats or low-heeled shoes to prevent varicose veins since blood circulation will be boosted.

Exercise regularly. Consult your doctor whether it is safe to exercise during your pregnancy or not.

Be careful to not cross your legs while sitting.

In order to boost blood circulation, keep your legs high.

Decrease the consumption of sodium (salt) to reduce the swelling of vessels.