Heart attack, today's most serious health problem

Calendars can help you measure your heart attack risk. Every period of your life is important in terms of this risk, but some months can take precedence over others

The most common health problem today is probably the heart attack. People, who have suffered a heart attack before, generally say that they did not know that they were having an attack as it was happening.

If you have not had a heart attack, maybe you can't make sense of it, but it is true. The symptoms of a heart attack progress sneakily and smartly. It appears when least expected.

According to the latest statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart problems are fatal for one out of every four women above the age of 35.

The period when it is the most frequent is 10 years after menopause. However, nearly 30,000 women below the age of 50 have had a heart problem.

You may be wondering the precautions before having heart trouble. Fibrous foods that are commonly mentioned nowadays are generally advised by doctors. However, I will give some new pieces of advice that may surprise you.

Healthy fibrous foods support your cholesterol, balance your blood pressure and fight against detrimental inflammations, that is, contribute to your health.

Nevertheless, I will talk about what you can do to prevent any heart problems, in which season you should keep your heart more healthy and how you can understand that you are a cardiac patient today.

Let's start.

Pay attention to the first workday: In a study in Sweden, researchers analyzed more than 156,000 patients who were taken to hospitals with a heart attack in the past seven years. At the end of the analysis, several surprising differences were discovered at the time of a heart attack.

When we look at the days of the week in the timing of heart attacks, it is clear that the day when they mostly occurred was Monday, and Saturdays was when they were seen least. It was observed that the risk of a heart attack was 11 percent higher on Mondays than the period between Tuesday and Friday.

Therefore, Mondays are the days when employed young people are most vulnerable to a heart attack. The risk of a heart attack is 20 percent higher on the first workday of the week.

Winter months are important: When we look at months, it is determined that the riskiest month for heart attacks is December, and July is the period when the least number of heart attacks occur. At the same time, it can be said that summer holidays in July are safer for our heart health than winter holidays like the new year.

Stress triggers heart attack: Researchers say the time of a heart attack overlaps with high and low stress levels. For example, working hours, that is, stress starts on Monday mornings. It is also possible for stress to trigger changes in your biological system that can lead to your being vulnerable to a heart attack.

While your stress level is rising, the part of your brain called the amygdala is also affected. This leads your bone marrow to produce more immune cells to combat stress. However, this increase may also harm your heart and arteries, causing inflammation.

So, try to reduce your stress to help your heart. Stress reduction techniques such as exercise, deep breathing or watching a comic movie can reduce the activity of the amygdala and help you to protect your heart.

Dress warmly: Dressing warmly when you go out will help you to keep your body warm. If your body gets cold in one moment, your blood vessels will constrict and your blood pressure will rise. If you aren't familiar with the cold weather, there is no need to turn into a snowman this winter. Try to keep your body temperature constant.

Stock your medicines beforehand: If you use heart medicines, check your medicines before it is snowy. Remember that weather can change quickly, do not wait until the last day of your prescription.

Don't forget to consume peanuts in winter: Almonds and walnuts are good for our health like peanuts, but peanuts are at the top of the list when it comes to heart health. Peanuts contain amino acids that can help improve cholesterol balancing and blood-vessel function after a meal with high saturated fat content. Peanuts, which are high in vitamin E, are antioxidants that help to lower bad cholesterol.

Sweet potatoes: A medium-sized sweet potato contains 12 percent of your daily potassium requirement. Another potassium source is bananas. A banana contains 9 percent of the potassium that we need every day.

Potassium is a mineral that plays an important role in heart health, controlling the level of sodium in our bodies. It reduces blood pressure, providing more sodium release in the urine. And it relieves the pressure in the blood vessels.

These two things can help you reduce your risk of a stroke.

In studies conducted, it was determined that high doses of potassium intake reduce the risk of a stroke at the rate of 24 percent.

Never go without yogurt in the winter months: The benefits of yogurt, rich in probiotic, for the intestines are not a secret. And a healthier microbiology can turn into a healthier heart. A study in China, involving 300,000 people, found that consuming 7 grams of yogurt per day is associated with lowering the risk of heart disease.

Just make sure you choose plain yogurt instead of ones with sweetened ingredients. Controlling the amount of sugar can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Prefer low-fat ones instead of fat-free yogurts. Research shows that people who consume low-fat dairy products are less likely to develop heart disease than people who consume fat-free products. At the same time, consuming low-fat dairy products will satiate you much more quickly and satisfy the feeling of hunger. You can use it in every meal.

Eggs are a must for breakfast: According to research, one egg per day does not increase the risk of heart disease. More than one egg is not recommended because eggs can turn into bad blood cholesterol, which clogs your arteries.

In another study, it was also found that eggs lower the risk of a stroke at nearly the rate of 12 percent. Eggs contain carotenoid, a powerful antioxidant, and they also have amino acid L-arginine, which helps to expand blood vessels.

If you have high cholesterol, it is a good idea to ask your doctor about your eating habits, including how many eggs you should eat regularly.

You may have been doing all of these recommendations, but heart conditions that are affected by genetic factors may, unfortunately, find you. There are a few ways to notice this insidious disease. Here are a few signs of a heart attack that you need to pay attention to:

Swollen legs and ankles: The only reason for swollen thighs or legs is not the pies that you have eaten. While leg swelling can be caused by many things, a heart valve problem can also be the cause of this disease. An accumulation of fluids, that is, edema is a common symptom of congestive heart failure.

Headaches: The reason for your headache may not be innocent this time. Before getting rid of your headache by taking medicine, you should know that a severe headache may be a sign of a stroke or blood clot.

Although a headache is not a sign of a heart attack by itself, if you experience it with other symptoms such as tiredness and dizziness or if these symptoms occur suddenly, there can be a risk of an aneurysm, and it requires immediate medical attention.

Continuous cramps in the stomach: Many people say heart pain is directly felt on the chest or felt on the left arm. However, what some do not realize is that this pain can spread to other parts of the body, as well.

The reason why you feel sharp stomach cramps may be pain signals that your heart transmits to your stomach. The cause of a stomachache may not be a heart attack, but if you have never felt anything before, see a doctor to be sure.