Excessive consumption of herbal tea does more harm than good

Consuming herbal tea is an easy way to detox. Moreover, certain herbals are proved to be good for some illnesses. However, drinking too much herbal tea might do more harm than good, according to dieticians.

Herbal teas which have been playing an important role in preserving health and the treatment of many illnesses are rich in vitamins A, E and C. These vitamins give their special aromas to the herbal teas and make these teas highly nutrient. However, it should not be forgotten that the active ingredient in these herbal teas are also medicine and they can have side effects as well. According to the experts, drinking three glasses of herbal tea a day causes more harm than good.

Moreover, scientists are currently working on herbal teas' toxic effects on liver and kidneys. Dietician Çiğdem Koçak said pregnant women; mothers who breastfeed and the elderly should not consume herbal teas without consulting their doctors. "Mothers who breastfeed their babies usually consume herbal teas to increase their milk, however it is crucial to consult a doctor beforehand. Herbal teas, which are promoted on social media and the internet, or the mixed herbal teas prepared by herbalists or the teas that claim to help you lose weight can lead to many chronic illnesses with extended use."