Best short movie scenario selected to educate people about drug addiction

The winners of the short movie scenario competition, İkinci Adım Yok (No Second Step), which is organized by the Television and Cinema Work Owners Society (SETEM) and supported by the Turkish Green Crescent (Yeşilay) as part of its Financial Support Program for Youth, were announced. In the competition, the best scenarios about the subject "Drugs and Awareness" were chosen with Berfin Yaşar coming in first for her scenario named "Adam Asmaca" (Hangman). The premiere and award ceremony of the project will take place with a gala that will be organized together with the Turkish Green Crescent. For the competition, 736 scenarios were submitted from all around the country to the jury committee and a pre-assessment took place. Furkan Dağlı won second place for his scenario called "Bir Adımla Gelen Kayıp" (The Loss Came with One Step) and Korhan Topçu won third for his work "Engebe" (Roughness). The top three winners received TL 5,000 ($1,850), TL 3,000 and TL 1,500, respectively. In the competition, which was organized to draw attention to addiction, the winning scenarios will be shown to viewers on social media, television and previews after being filmed and edited by a professional team at SETEM. The scenario competition aims to raise awareness of youth and parents about the harmful effects of drugs.