A woman adorned with cuffs, necklaces and belts and modeled a velvet handmade kaftan decorated with thousands of pearls and crystals next to the Imperial Gate in Western Turkey's Bursa.
Vildan Yolcu told journalists that it had taken a seven-person team six months to created the ornamented ensemble.Explaining that the base of the dress was made out of deep purple velvet fabric, Yolcu said, " We submitted our nomination to the Guinness Book of World Records. God willing our kaftan will make it into the book and our work will not go to waste."The fabric is adorned with 62,023 white pearls and 5,000 purple stone crystals.Yolcu added that crafting the garment cost some 35,000 Turkish liras ($10,000) and that after the world-record trial it would be presented to the Bursa City Museum as a gift.