Renowned visual artist and filmmaker, Kaz Rahman's solo exhibition "Cinematic Views" will begin at Istanbul's Gallery Eksen on Nov. 29. The event will feature a collection of Rahman's works that reflect the environment, colors and his dreams from the last 10 years.
On canvas, Rahman uses a new approach to depth perception, something he has developed over the years while living in different countries around the world.His abstraction resembles knotty branches running away from the canvas and mingling with each other.
This organic move presents itself with a dynamic flow of colors. The Canadian director's films, like "Deccani Souls" and "Salaat," affected his dimensions. He sees canvas as a large curtain where he can create art with patterns running from one corner to another. Some of his works flow a like a cinematic narration, comprising of panels that can be taken apart like a puzzle and be put together again. Kaz Rahman's "Cinematic Views," will run at Gallery Eksen between Nov. 29 and Dec. 9.
When: between Nov. 29 and Dec. 9
Where: Gallery Eksen