Turkey's drone league launches in Antalya
Drones have already proved themselves in sports at international races that have been held for the past three years. This year, leading sports channels ESPN, EuroSport and Skysports previously announced that they will broadcast every single drone league around the world in 2017. As the drone leagues raised so much interest in the last couple of years, Turkey-based "Drone Flight Sports Club" and "Drone Owners and Pilots Association" set to organize Turkey's very own "Drone Competition League 2017.The league is composed of four different phases. The first step of the league will be launched on Jan. 29 at the Glass Pyramid in the southern province of Antalya. While the first phase will be an indoor activity, the remaining three phases will be outdoors in İzmir, Ankara and finally in Istanbul. On the competition day, the audience will not only enjoy the breathtaking race between the drones but also enjoy live DJ performances, laser shows, simulators and workshops.When: Jan. 29Where: The Glass Pyramid, Antalya