Musical performance in memory of Pavorotti

In memory of late opera artist Luciana Pavarotti, Belcanto the Luciano Pavarotti Heritage Musical which blends various music genres and musical theater will be performed at the Volkswagen Arena on Dec. 17 and Dec. 18. Composed of 12 singers who previously collaborated with Pavarotti,seven musicians and seven dancers all following the path of the musical legend, the musical company will present a show consisting of six main themes such as "Belcanto from Renaissance to Baroque," "Italian and German Comic Opera of the 18th century," "Giuseppe Verdi," "Giacomo Puccini,""Napolitano Song" and "Belcanto from the World." The musical is a memoir of the most famous tenor of the last century and offers opera arias, original performances and contemporary compositions of Napolitano and Belcanto the Luciano style.When: Dec. 17-18Where: Volkswagen Arena, Istanbul