Turkish Hip-Hop community convenes in Istanbul

Hip-Hop Jam will bring all elements of Hip-Hop culture as well as the entire community together at Volkswagen Arena on Dec. 5. Hip-hop fans will get a chance to observe Hip-Hop culture at full length from break dance to rap, graffiti and performances of outstanding DJs. The epic meeting which is organized jointly by Pozitif Life and Hip Hop Life will offer Hip-Hop lovers an experience where they can take a peek into an entire culture shaped by the rhythms of music. The most important names of Turkey's hip-hop scene will also share the stage at this once in a life time experience. The crowded line-up including Mode XL, Ege Çubukçu, Sansar Salvo, Pit10, Ayben, Yener, Cash Flow, Alaturka Mavzer, Allame, Kamufle, Anıl Piyancı, Emrah Karakuyu, Joker, No.1, Ais Ezhel, 90BPM, Xir, Ozbi, Soulkast (FR), Önder Şahin, Karaçalı, Sahtiyan, Sayedar, Sancak, Ados, Fate Fat, Rapozof, Tankurt, Hidra, Lider, TrySoldiers and DJ Hırs will carry away hip-hop lovers. Throughout the day, the participants will also able to attend various activities as a part of the event.When: Dec. 5Where: Volkswagen Arena