‘Time to Dream’ with painting exhibition

Ertuğrul Tuna will hold his latest exhibition composed of his numerous recent works at Gallery Eksen from Jan. 2-15. The artist reflects his experiences on the extraordinary journey he's taken through "Time to Dream." Putting aside the themes that the artist focused on in his previous works, Tuna sets off an exciting journey through his new perspective and incorporates elements from the incidents and events that he cannot make any sense of. He gives certain features to the characters that he has created such as sincerity, excitement and Pareidolia - a Greek word involving a vague and random stimulus, often an image or sound, being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds or sounds. There is no Turkish word for it; however, the world is like a summary of life. You think that you see an angel, but actually it is a devil; you believe that someone calls your name, but it turns out to be the wind. You think you are alive, but you are already dead. You think you can see but you cannot.When: Jan. 2-15Where: Galeri Eksen