Turkish presidents in focus at photo gallery

Featuring the unpublished photos of eleven presidents of Turkey, the "CMHRB Kadrajda" (Presidents on the Focus) photo exhibition is being held at the Bahçesehir University Galata BAUEXP Gallery. Speaking at the opening of the exhibition, which is organized in collaboration with Bahçesehir University (BAU) and Depo Photos, BAU Chancellor Professor Senay Yalçın said the exhibition is a part of the Turkish Republic's 100th anniversary activities. He said the exhibition is composed of original works, and stated that they are happy to host the exhibition. "I thank everybody who participated in this exhibition.The presidential elections have been on Turkey's agenda for a long time. After long discussions, we finally attained our 12th president," said Yalçın. The founder of Depo Photos Abdurrahman Antakyalı stated that they tried to create a visual memory of Turkey. He said there are 400,000 high-resolution photos on Depo Photos' website, adding that they prepared subtitles and key words for 320,000 of these photos. "Depo Photos will also sell these photos. It is a model that aims for photo journalists to earn money from copyright royalties," Antakyalı noted. He also thanked BAU for hosting the first exhibition of Depo Photos and added the photos are displayed in a way that is suitable for the soul of photojournalism. The exhibition showcases 160 photos from 23 photojournalists. The exhibition features the photos from the collections of Zekeriya Albayrak, Adem Altan, Ayhan Arfat, Hasan Aydın, Sökmen Baykara, Kubilay Çalıkoglu, Mehmet Demirci, Hüseyin Ezer, Rıza Ezer, Denizhan Güzel, Bülent Hiçyılmaz, Mustafa Istemi, Burak Kara, Murat Çetin Mühürdar, Mustafa Öztartan, Sami Peksirin, Serhan Sarman, Mehmet Sürenkök, Ismail Senyüz, Hikmet Tanılkan, Ümit Turpçu and Cengiz Kahraman, and can be seen until Sept. 30.