Britain's Brexit bill to get royal assent amid EU criticism

Legislation empowering Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger formal negotiations on Britain leaving the European Union is expected to receive royal assent today, U.K. Brexit Minister David Davis said.

Davis, who steered the Brexit bill through parliament, did not say when May planned to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which allows a nation to leave the EU after up to two years of negotiations.

The Article 50 bill passed both houses of parliament late Monday following six weeks of debate. Royal assent is a formality of approval by Queen Elizabeth II for all legislation before it is enacted.

Amid growing criticism, the European Union will not bow to British "threats" that it is prepared to walk away from Brexit talks without a deal, the bloc's president, Donald Tusk, said on Wednesday.

Tusk said Britain would come off worse than the 27 other EU members if the two-year negotiation process ended without an agreement on the terms of its departure.

"We will not be intimidated by threats, and I can assure you they simply will not work," Tusk told the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.

"The claims, increasingly taking the form of threats, that no agreement will be good for the U.K. and bad for the EU, need to be addressed," Tusk said. "I want to be clear that a no-deal scenario would be bad for everyone, but above all for the U.K."

British Prime Minister Theresa May said in January that she was ready to leave the EU without a deal on future relations if necessary.

"While I am sure a positive agreement can be reached, I am equally clear that no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain," she said in a speech.

Brexit Secretary Davis tried to play down the row on Wednesday, telling a parliamentary committee in London that despite some "sharp" remarks, the EU president had emphasized that Britain was a friend.

"We're not trying to threaten anybody, we're not trying to do anything heavy-handed, we're not trying to be coercive," Davis said. "We're trying to ensure that we get something that is in the interests of everybody."

Brussels is increasingly on edge as it waits for May to formally trigger the two-year Brexit process, which she has promised to do by the end of March.

The EU says it wants to sort out Britain's bill for leaving, the rights of EU citizens and the border in Northern Ireland before moving on to talks about a future trade deal.

But Tusk, a former Polish premier who was re-elected European Council president last week despite the objections of his home country, said he would work to ensure that Britain and the EU remained "close partners."

"The EU's door will always remain open to our UK friends," he told members of parliament. Tusk, whose job involves working to achieve consensus among the bloc's national leaders, added that he remained optimistic that Britain would be sensible.

The remaining 27 EU leaders will discuss their post-Brexit future at a summit in Rome on March 25 to mark the 60th anniversary of the bloc's founding treaty.