UK PM May under fire for wearing $1,700 trousers amid economic concerns

British Prime Minister Theresa May, who wore £995 ($1,700US) leather trousers during an interview with the Sunday Times, has been slammed by fellow Members of the Parliament for her extravagant fashion taste and being 'out of touch' with the people, amid concerns about Brexit slowing down the economy and ordinary people struggling to make ends meet.

The bitter chocolate trousers designed by Amanda Wakeley caused uproar after May, who denied claims that she was out of touch with ordinary citizens, wore them for the photoshoot.

Former education minister Nicky Morgan criticized May for posing in the trousers, saying that the PM does not seem to show solidarity with low-income families, while adding that she does not own leather trousers and does not think she has spent that much on clothing apart from her wedding dress.

According to text messages obtained by British media outlets, Morgan's comments were not welcome by the PM or her circle of friends.

For instance, May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill texted Conservative Alistair Burt and told him not to bring 'that woman' –in reference to Morgan- to May's office again.

Morgan responded to Hill by noting that her team invites her to the meetings and that 'no man' brings her to any meeting.

On a different note, Morgan was criticized by other MPs for 'hypocrisy', with pictures showing Morgan carrying a $950 Mulberry purse.

Another Conservative MP Richard Benyon mocked the incident in a tweet saying: "Just off to charity shop with my leather trousers."

The controversial trousers were reportedly sold out at Wakeley's website after May wore them.

May is not the first British PM to receive criticism for her extravagant taste in fashion. Former PM David Cameron's suits cost around $5,400.

The debate came at a time when Britain is dealing with Brexit and the revelation of a mini-budget, suggesting that Britain is expected to borrow an extra $152 billion in the next five years.

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