Europe may face new terror attacks, Europol director warns

The director of the European Police Office (Europol) said on Wednesday that Europe may face new terror new terror attacks like the ones that took place in Paris or Brussels.

Answering to the questions of the members of Schengen Commission of Italian Parliament's lower body Chamber of Deputies, director Rob Wainwright reminded Europol's warnings in its report issued in July.

Wainwright emphasized that the terrorists that carried out the Paris attacks arrived in Europe through illegal migration, and said that Europol's top concern is to track down terrorists arriving in Europe through fake identities amid the refugee influx. "It is our top priority to track down the connections of terrorists in Europe" he said.Wainwright added that there are ongoing investigations on possible terror threats but currently there is not any threat directed against Italy.

He added that intelligence services of European countries should cooperate more effectively in the aftermath of Paris and Brussels attacks, stating that efforts are underway to gather all information from police and intelligence bodies of different countries in one center.

Wainwright said that approximately 40,000 people are detected to have involved in human trafficking in illegal migration, who conduct their activities rapidly adjusting in newly implemented border controls.

He noted that the lack of cooperation with institutions in countries where the refugee influx originates undermine their effectiveness.