Pro-PKK group attacks Turkish man in Austria

A Turkish man was reportedly beaten up by a pro-PKK group in Streithofen town of Austria's Tulln city on Feb. 10.The man, Ahmet Emin Yağan, 52, said he was first verbally attacked by the group of nearly 80 people, while he was on his way to go shopping in his car, Anadolu Agency reported. The man reportedly responded to group saying "Do your protests without insulting" and amidst this the group responded by attacking the man, hitting him to a point where he lost conscious. He was taken to a hospital where he received a report saying he was assaulted. Yağan's car was also attacked, causing material damage.The man also claimed that the Austrian police did not respond to the attack to protect him from the group. He said that he will file a complaint against the group and also the police for failing to protect him from the attackers.