Dutch living in Turkey express support for Turkish ministers

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu on Friday met with Dutch citizens in the Alanya district of the southern Antalya province who have been living in Turkey for nearly 20 years, amid a political crisis between the two countries. While Ankara and Den Haag exchange harsh words over a diplomatic crisis last week in Rotterdam, Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu talked to Dutch citizens in the district, listening to their views. Speaking with 10 Dutch citizens in a park, Çavuşoğlu stressed that the main problem is not with Dutch citizens but with the Dutch government. The minister asked the citizens whether they have experienced problems in Turkey.

A Dutch citizen, Sara van der Beek, called the Dutch government's approach toward Turkish diplomats "silly." She expressed her opinion that every person in the world should be free to campaign for votes anywhere. Other Dutch citizens, who said they were happy living in Turkey, asserted that they do not find the Dutch government's attitude "convenient." Çavuşoğlu added that Dutch citizens living in Turkey should not worry about the latest developments. "Nothing will happen regarding you," the foreign minister said, adding that Turkey needs to be strong against right-wing politician Geert Wilders and others. Reminding the crowd that populism is on the rise in Europe, Çavuşoğlu said they need to remain tough to preserve European values.

Another Dutchman, Arie Ver Boon, expressed support for Turkish ministers. Explaining that he has been living in Alanya for 16 years, Boon added that he has not experienced any problem with Turks. Meanwhile, organisers cancelled a pro-Turkish rally in Rotterdam on Friday that had been called to protest against Dutch police who used horses, dogs and water cannon to break up a demonstration last weekend, AFP reported. Earlier in the week, the government issued sanctions against the Netherlands as a sign of diplomatic protest following the incident.