Wild animals get the best care at Şanlıurfa rehab

Wilderness is full of wonders and beauties. But from time to time, wild animals can have difficult times, either injured by other animals or in manmade accidents.

Thankfully, the wildlife of southeastern Anatolia has a facility where they can heal and return to nature - Şanlıurfa Wild Life Rescue and Rehabilitation Center.

Reşat Ektiren, a veterinarian at the center, has helped 800 wild animals heal in the last five years.

Throughout the time that the animals spend at the center, Ektiren not only treats the wounds of the animals but also train them for the dangers of the wild. He also teaches hunting techniques to small animals that have no mother to take care of them.

To keep track of the endangered animals throughout the year Ektiren also uses GPS.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA), Ektiren said they take care of animals that are injured, tired or in need of help.

He said that the animals are kept in special cages at the center. "We are doing everything we can to save these animals wild features," he said.

"We do not want them to get used to having people around. We feed them without being seen. We cover their cages with clothes so that they cannot see us and get used to us," Ektiren added.

Despite the obvious challenges, Ektiren loves his work.

"What we do here is very difficult. We have to be hands-on with predatory animals. But as soon as we see them getting healthier, we forget about all the hard work. It is a difficult job but I love being around animals," said Etkin.