Natural gas distribution gets TL 5B investment

Natural Gas Distribution Companies Association of Turkey (GAZBİR) President Yaşar Arslan said they were expecting a TL 5 billion ($1.67 billion) investment in natural gas distribution over the next five years.

Natural gas distribution companies recently started to set targets to improve quality and are speeding up projects to maximize customer satisfaction.

Actual investment numbers for the natural gas distribution sector will be announced in late 2016.

Arslan says GAZBİR will work alongside the natural gas companies to improve standards for "excellence" and achieve them, with a group of specialists from universities expected to conduct customer satisfaction surveys to determine the principles of excellence.

Stressing that natural gas companies would give weight to investment in research and development to provide customers with better service, Arslan continued: "At the end of this year, the amount of investment in natural gas distribution sector will be announced. Everyone is currently making preparations. We estimate a TL 5 billion investment over the next five years." Arslan added that this amount would be used to build access to provinces currently in need of natural gas supply.