Turkey tenders solar electricity production license

ANKARA — Turkish energy firms compete against each other in a tender bid in Ankara on Monday to be chosen to produce solar powered electricity.A total of 600 megawatts of electricity is to be licensed in a tender bid with the highest bidder receiving the permit rights.The firstbid occurred for 8 MW production capacity in Elazığ province; Solentegre Energy Company won the bid by offering around $400,000 for every megawatt of electricity produced. The second bid was for Erzurum's 5 MW electricity production and Halk Energy Company acquired the license for 4.9 MW of production by offering around $33,000 for every megawatt of electricity produced.These solar electricity production companies are to invest in their regions and pay their respective fees over the next three years.Currently, Turkey generates 46 percent of its electricity from natural gas and has an energy bill of up to $60 billion a year. Turkey only meets 27 percent of its energy need from its own sources, renewables and coal included. By 2023, Turkey aims to meet 30 percent of its need from renewable sources alone.