MHP to put emphasis on strong, unified Turkey in election campaign

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) is expected to place emphasis on a strong and unified Turkey in its electoral campaign, with goals set for the year 2023, media reports said.

The MHP is participating in the upcoming June 24 elections as part of the People's Alliance, formed with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party).

It is expected to focus its narrative on building a Turkey that is strong, leads in global affairs and is nationally unified.

According to various sources, the MHP will announce its manifesto in the near future while planning nationwide rallies for MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli. The main theme in the MHP manifesto will be Turkey in 2023, the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the republic.

The number of rallies, however, may be limited since there are only less than 60 days left until the June 24 elections. The MHP is planning to reach out to people in rural and urban areas through iftar and suhur meals since most of the election campaign will be during the Ramadan.

The MHP's strategy on the field will be based mainly on two policies. Reportedly, it will appeal to "a more balanced and stronger Parliament" to garner as many parliamentary seats as possible. But, it will adopt a different strategy for the presidential election.

Chairman Bahçeli and party cadres will work for the re-election of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Different branches of the party and its members have reportedly been warned to not react to provocations by other circles during the election period.

Security issue will be the second issues for the MHP. Bahçeli would likely underline the necessity to improve the Turkish Armed Forces' (TSK) capabilities for cross-border operations in Syria and Iraq as well as counterterrorism operations at home against the PKK. Bahçeli will also address Turkey's foreign policy at rallies. The MHP may center its stance towards an Ankara-based indigenous and national foreign policy for Turkey.

The People's Alliance came to life after Bahçeli announced that his party would not nominate anyone for the presidential elections but support Erdoğan. The two parties then drafted a 26-article alliance bill and got it through Parliament.

Bahçeli previously said that the underlying motivation behind the alliance was his party's dedication to the "Yenikapı spirit," referring to the rally that took place in Istanbul on Aug. 7, 2017, with all of Turkey's main political leaders present.

The occas

ion was considered a symbol of political consensus in Turkey following the coup attempt on July 15, 2016.