MHP selects new A-team for crucial 2019 elections

The Nationalist Movement Party's (MHP) new Presidency Council consists of 15 members determined in a meeting of the Central Executive Board (MYK) and the Central Disciplinary Committee (MDK) chaired by Devlet Bahçeli.

Following the 12th Ordinary Grand Congress of the MHP, the new MYK and MDK held its first meeting on Saturday, and the new Presidency Council of the party was announced.

The council includes the following new members: Konya Deputy Mustafa Kalaycı, Erzurum Deputy Kamil Aydın, Istanbul Deputy İzzet Ulvi Yönter, Aydın Deputy Deniz Depboylu, Yaşar Yıldırım and Sefer Aycan, while Istanbul deputies Edip Semih Yalçın and Celal Adan, Denizli Deputy Emin Haluk Ayhan, Adana Deputy Mevlüt Karakaya and Sadir Durmaz secured places on the Presidency Council.

İsmet Büyükataman will continue to serve as MHP Secretary General. Mustafa Hidayet Vahapoğlu and Fatih Çetinkaya will be deputy secretaries general. The only woman member of the MHP's Presidency Council is Aydın Deputy Deniz Depboylu.

Reportedly, the duties of the members of the Presidency Council will be distributed on Monday by Bahçeli.