Turkey's election campaigns to start as due date for submission of candidate lists approaches

The political parties participating in the upcoming election, which is set to take place on June 7, are expected to submit their list of candidates to the Supreme Election Board (YSK) by April 7 at 5:00 at the latest. The elections campaigns will commence following the due date for the submission of the lists.YSK is working hard on organizing the upcoming parliamentary elections. The parties seeking to join the elections will hand in their candidate list to YSK on April 7 at the latest and the list of the candidates, along with independents, will be announced on April 24.According to the rules of YSK, the political parties will only be able to complete the missing candidate lists and fix errors after submitting the list to the body.According to the elections calendar, the registry of the voters abroad and in Turkey will be determined on April 8. On April 15, the list of temporary candidates will be published on official gazette and aired on radio and TV. Any objections to the lists will be reviewed until the next day, which is the due date for announcing any objections. On April 24 the permanent list will be announced via media outlets and official gazette. On May 8, the voting will begin at customs gates and agencies electorates living abroad. On May 23, YSK will draw to determine the sequence of the electioneering speeches made by applicant political parties on TV and radio, and for how long they will speak. The electioneering freedom and some election bans will commence on May 28. Two days after that, the electioneering speeches will start and the voting abroad will end. Campaigns will end the day before voting in Turkey, on June 6 .The AK Party's election manifest is scheduled to be announced on April 15 in an event attended by thousands of political figures, prominent business circles and celebrities. The main focus will be to win enough seats in Parliament to establish a new constitution without opposition and to switch the current parliamentary government to a presidential system. Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), revealed details of its election campaign on March 28. The Central Executive Committee of the CHP met to discuss the party's election campaign as well as other current issues on the party's agenda. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which will enter the elections as a party, has announced it will pursue no cooperation in the elections.