- Number of Voters: 54,813,375
- Voter Turnout: 86.64%
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%İSTANBUL
- 41.11% 39
3,488,748 - 29.14% 28
2,472,861 - 11.03% 10
936,073 - 12.60% 11
1,069,604 - 6.12% 518,755
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ANKARA
- 41.40% 15
1,357,419 - 29.17% 11
956,280 - 17.82% 5
584,261 - 5.57% 1
182,640 - 6.04% 197,840
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%İZMİR
- 26.75% 8
724,464 - 44.77% 12
1,212,663 - 13.61% 4
368,718 - 10.54% 2
285,486 - 4.33% 117,054
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ADANA
- 30.40% 5
382,382 - 28.56% 4
359,241 - 23.08% 3
290,355 - 14.56% 2
183,116 - 3.40% 42,759
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ADIYAMAN
- 58.00% 4
181,809 - 11.49% 36,029
- 4.34% 13,599
- 22.63% 1
70,947 - 3.54% 11,092
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%AFYONKARAHİSAR
- 52.30% 3
227,358 - 16.75% 1
72,819 - 25.08% 1
109,022 - 1.48% 6,435
- 4.39% 19,048
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%AĞRI
- 16.60% 40,275
- 1.38% 3,359
- 2.72% 6,592
- 76.91% 4
186,616 - 2.39% 5,794
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%AKSARAY
- 58.20% 2
122,018 - 6.91% 14,483
- 29.83% 1
62,547 - 2.15% 4,499
- 2.91% 6,114
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%AMASYA
- 45.87% 2
98,287 - 26.02% 1
55,760 - 22.62% 48,464
- 1.61% 3,445
- 3.88% 8,326
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ANTALYA
- 35.28% 5
471,690 - 32.48% 5
434,267 - 21.69% 3
289,952 - 7.24% 1
96,763 - 3.31% 44,262
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ARDAHAN
- 26.76% 1
15,407 - 22.09% 12,717
- 7.84% 4,513
- 30.15% 1
17,359 - 13.16% 7,578
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ARTVİN
- 39.06% 1
43,227 - 30.68% 1
33,957 - 22.63% 25,051
- 3.12% 3,449
- 4.51% 4,995
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%AYDIN
- 29.72% 2
200,272 - 40.07% 4
270,012 - 17.95% 1
120,946 - 9.10% 61,338
- 3.16% 21,359
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BALIKESİR
- 39.12% 3
314,632 - 33.67% 3
270,796 - 20.01% 2
160,946 - 3.46% 27,802
- 3.74% 30,108
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BARTIN
- 41.65% 1
50,977 - 30.23% 1
37,001 - 18.00% 22,037
- 1.67% 2,044
- 8.45% 10,346
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BATMAN
- 18.90% 1
50,955 - 1.16% 3,130
- 1.23% 3,311
- 71.40% 3
192,543 - 7.31% 19,734
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BAYBURT
- 60.03% 1
27,739 - 2.79% 1,289
- 31.50% 1
14,557 - 1.52% 701
- 4.16% 1,923
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BİLECİK
- 37.58% 1
50,689 - 29.18% 1
39,356 - 25.42% 34,287
- 3.68% 4,966
- 4.14% 5,568
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BİNGÖL
- 47.01% 2
62,797 - 1.60% 2,140
- 2.94% 3,930
- 40.52% 1
54,130 - 7.93% 10,584
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BİTLİS
- 31.36% 1
49,566 - 1.70% 2,684
- 4.03% 6,365
- 59.46% 2
93,986 - 3.45% 5,471
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BOLU
- 51.95% 2
97,872 - 24.44% 1
46,044 - 15.94% 30,028
- 2.09% 3,931
- 5.58% 10,518
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BURDUR
- 43.10% 1
73,380 - 27.09% 1
46,128 - 22.91% 1
39,010 - 1.90% 3,236
- 5.00% 8,495
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%BURSA
- 43.99% 9
787,692 - 27.71% 5
496,208 - 17.49% 3
313,114 - 5.85% 1
104,709 - 4.96% 88,833
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ÇANAKKALE
- 34.56% 1
120,282 - 39.04% 2
135,859 - 19.77% 1
68,815 - 3.07% 10,699
- 3.56% 12,354
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ÇANKIRI
- 59.20% 2
65,562 - 6.90% 7,643
- 28.17% 31,193
- 1.28% 1,420
- 4.45% 4,921
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ÇORUM
- 54.28% 3
184,098 - 22.28% 1
75,585 - 17.63% 59,816
- 2.27% 7,686
- 3.54% 12,007
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%DENİZLİ
- 39.78% 3
255,217 - 34.76% 3
223,017 - 18.14% 1
116,355 - 4.18% 26,785
- 3.14% 20,146
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%DİYARBAKIR
- 14.80% 1
122,027 - 1.31% 10,827
- 1.24% 10,211
- 77.73% 10
640,687 - 4.92% 40,483
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%DÜZCE
- 59.17% 3
133,317 - 16.09% 36,248
- 15.62% 35,199
- 2.44% 5,494
- 6.68% 15,051
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%EDİRNE
- 24.77% 1
66,397 - 52.94% 2
141,888 - 15.62% 41,875
- 3.05% 8,181
- 3.62% 9,666
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ELAZIĞ
- 52.85% 3
172,720 - 6.89% 22,528
- 20.59% 1
67,282 - 15.36% 50,199
- 4.31% 14,052
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ERZİNCAN
- 49.22% 1
65,411 - 25.34% 1
33,669 - 16.53% 21,964
- 5.85% 7,769
- 3.06% 4,079
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ERZURUM
- 51.97% 4
214,519 - 3.07% 12,681
- 23.15% 1
95,552 - 17.84% 1
73,629 - 3.97% 16,357
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ESKİŞEHİR
- 36.24% 2
196,434 - 38.81% 3
210,331 - 16.67% 1
90,357 - 3.96% 21,438
- 4.32% 23,455
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%GAZİANTEP
- 47.03% 6
438,955 - 16.37% 2
152,795 - 17.78% 2
165,915 - 15.32% 2
142,950 - 3.50% 32,764
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%GİRESUN
- 53.46% 2
142,744 - 21.91% 1
58,490 - 18.33% 1
48,931 - 1.43% 3,821
- 4.87% 13,003
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%GÜMÜŞHANE
- 56.76% 1
42,525 - 5.36% 4,018
- 30.94% 1
23,181 - 1.94% 1,451
- 5.00% 3,747
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%HAKKARİ
- 9.71% 14,114
- 1.38% 2,007
- 2.65% 3,847
- 84.91% 3
123,472 - 1.35% 1,970
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%HATAY
- 38.06% 5
322,419 - 35.90% 4
304,058 - 13.91% 1
117,830 - 6.89% 58,333
- 5.24% 44,388
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%IĞDIR
- 11.73% 11,385
- 3.90% 3,786
- 26.68% 25,902
- 55.92% 2
54,288 - 1.77% 1,728
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ISPARTA
- 44.24% 2
117,332 - 22.15% 1
58,742 - 26.66% 1
70,705 - 2.22% 5,894
- 4.73% 12,538
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KAHRAMANMARAŞ
- 60.79% 6
359,605 - 8.69% 51,409
- 19.70% 2
116,526 - 5.49% 32,456
- 5.33% 31,533
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KARABÜK
- 47.95% 1
69,163 - 17.23% 24,852
- 27.18% 1
39,203 - 1.55% 2,238
- 6.09% 8,774
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KARAMAN
- 55.40% 2
81,701 - 15.55% 22,938
- 22.50% 33,183
- 1.63% 2,399
- 4.92% 7,248
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KARS
- 27.17% 1
40,633 - 12.08% 18,065
- 13.92% 20,819
- 43.46% 2
64,999 - 3.37% 5,034
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KASTAMONU
- 48.72% 2
114,479 - 18.60% 43,703
- 26.83% 1
63,053 - 1.11% 2,603
- 4.74% 11,148
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KAYSERİ
- 52.35% 5
418,657 - 12.54% 1
100,270 - 27.39% 3
219,053 - 2.72% 21,730
- 5.00% 39,943
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KIRIKKALE
- 50.60% 2
83,568 - 15.36% 25,374
- 28.43% 1
46,954 - 1.69% 2,793
- 3.92% 6,464
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KIRKLARELİ
- 23.70% 1
56,061 - 49.40% 2
116,869 - 21.13% 49,980
- 2.72% 6,424
- 3.05% 7,247
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KIRŞEHİR
- 39.84% 1
54,264 - 19.30% 26,290
- 31.64% 1
43,085 - 6.42% 8,744
- 2.80% 3,808
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KİLİS
- 49.20% 1
33,034 - 7.90% 5,302
- 35.02% 1
23,515 - 4.07% 2,735
- 3.81% 2,555
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KOCAELİ
- 46.40% 6
499,656 - 24.23% 3
260,969 - 15.20% 1
163,707 - 7.66% 1
82,469 - 6.51% 70,140
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KONYA
- 65.09% 11
812,574 - 9.91% 1
123,670 - 16.26% 2
203,001 - 4.53% 56,487
- 4.21% 52,569
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%KÜTAHYA
- 54.49% 3
204,321 - 12.01% 45,042
- 26.58% 1
99,664 - 1.32% 4,932
- 5.60% 21,030
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MALATYA
- 58.42% 5
262,469 - 16.61% 1
74,626 - 11.36% 51,022
- 8.19% 36,814
- 5.42% 24,369
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MANİSA
- 37.13% 4
337,233 - 28.95% 3
262,923 - 23.44% 2
212,882 - 7.03% 63,874
- 3.45% 31,392
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MARDİN
- 19.91% 1
76,997 - 1.35% 5,238
- 1.29% 4,994
- 72.06% 5
278,690 - 5.39% 20,818
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MERSİN
- 26.42% 3
278,583 - 28.68% 3
302,457 - 24.46% 3
257,941 - 17.90% 2
188,760 - 2.54% 26,668
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MUĞLA
- 26.93% 2
155,004 - 45.12% 3
259,695 - 18.67% 1
107,449 - 5.45% 31,381
- 3.83% 22,034
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%MUŞ
- 24.86% 1
49,165 - 1.46% 2,878
- 2.03% 4,018
- 70.18% 2
138,783 - 1.47% 2,918
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%NEVŞEHİR
- 52.40% 2
92,812 - 14.98% 26,538
- 27.30% 1
48,352 - 1.82% 3,224
- 3.50% 6,193
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%NİĞDE
- 47.90% 2
93,256 - 21.29% 41,457
- 25.21% 1
49,092 - 1.63% 3,165
- 3.97% 7,728
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ORDU
- 52.93% 3
226,009 - 28.24% 2
120,590 - 12.84% 54,818
- 1.26% 5,376
- 4.73% 20,216
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%OSMANİYE
- 39.10% 2
111,978 - 13.42% 38,442
- 40.36% 2
115,587 - 4.21% 12,045
- 2.91% 8,323
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%RİZE
- 66.38% 3
133,430 - 18.85% 37,890
- 8.10% 16,289
- 1.57% 3,152
- 5.10% 10,235
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%SAKARYA
- 56.50% 5
330,585 - 15.89% 1
93,005 - 19.20% 1
112,348 - 2.98% 17,450
- 5.43% 31,739
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%SAMSUN
- 52.86% 5
408,194 - 22.99% 2
177,556 - 17.66% 2
136,409 - 1.61% 12,412
- 4.88% 37,647
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%SİİRT
- 28.66% 1
41,665 - 1.57% 2,286
- 2.51% 3,652
- 64.79% 2
94,178 - 2.47% 3,582
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%SİNOP
- 47.54% 1
61,544 - 28.40% 1
36,773 - 16.78% 21,723
- 1.66% 2,155
- 5.62% 7,265
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%SİVAS
- 57.48% 3
216,982 - 15.03% 1
56,723 - 18.00% 1
67,933 - 1.79% 6,763
- 7.70% 29,078
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ŞANLIURFA
- 46.78% 7
365,326 - 4.39% 34,306
- 5.65% 44,109
- 38.08% 5
297,416 - 5.10% 39,836
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ŞIRNAK
- 9.72% 21,901
- 1.32% 2,976
- 2.54% 5,718
- 83.89% 4
189,033 - 2.53% 5,703
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%TEKİRDAĞ
- 31.59% 2
184,013 - 43.87% 3
255,557 - 15.03% 1
87,549 - 5.87% 34,209
- 3.64% 21,185
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%TOKAT
- 51.57% 3
184,515 - 20.77% 1
74,305 - 21.69% 1
77,619 - 1.70% 6,067
- 4.27% 15,301
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%TRABZON
- 55.29% 4
258,683 - 17.01% 1
79,601 - 20.75% 1
97,062 - 1.32% 6,174
- 5.63% 26,328
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%TUNCELİ
- 11.52% 6,240
- 20.53% 11,116
- 5.99% 3,244
- 60.00% 2
32,488 - 1.96% 1,061
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%UŞAK
- 38.29% 1
89,015 - 28.11% 1
65,345 - 27.44% 1
63,795 - 2.79% 6,486
- 3.37% 7,857
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%VAN
- 20.07% 1
101,147 - 1.35% 6,798
- 2.85% 14,370
- 73.59% 7
370,822 - 2.14% 10,776
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%YALOVA
- 39.73% 1
55,950 - 28.84% 1
40,611 - 19.22% 27,072
- 8.57% 12,066
- 3.64% 5,119
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%YOZGAT
- 58.12% 3
142,697 - 9.20% 22,579
- 27.48% 1
67,470 - 1.39% 3,420
- 3.81% 9,362
Percentage of Open Ballot Boxes 100%ZONGULDAK
- 38.26% 2
146,642 - 38.52% 2
147,650 - 16.25% 1
62,300 - 1.61% 6,153
- 5.36% 20,540