Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced on Tuesday that the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has fulfilled all of its election promises after subcontracted workers, doing sideline work in state agencies, were employed as civil servants. The AK Party had promised to fulfill its Nov. 1 election manifesto in three months. Speaking at the AK Party group meeting, Davutoğlu said that the party has carried out all the necessary work to make subcontracted workers civil servants, adding that these workers will continue to work in the same places as regular employees. The regulation, which was welcomed by labor unions, will be included in a new law package to be offered to Parliament soon. With the implementation of this election promise, the AK Party fulfilled every election promise it made in the Nov. 1 elections.Davutoğlu also reiterated that with the realization of the contractor workers' employment in the public sector, the AK Party has fulfilled all its election promises and has completed 65 percent of the reforms it promised.The AK Party's Nov. 1 election manifesto involved projects regarding areas like protecting economic and financial stability, increasing employment and supporting investment and production. Unlike the manifesto that consisted of more general terms prepared for the June 7 elections, when Parliament failed to form a single-party government, the AK Party preferred to announce concrete steps like promising to increase the minimum wage to TL 1,300 ($452) for the Nov. 1 elections. Realizing that the general health insurance (GSS) debts burdened many youths, the AK Party promised to write off all its debts. The plan also included free general health insurance for university graduates for up to two years after they finish school. Regarding this promise, on Monday, the AK Party took concrete steps for a new law package to be offered to Parliament that will wipe out TL 9 billion of premium debts for five million young people. The debt cancelation in the new law package will go toward the general health insurance premium debts of five million young people aged between 18 and 29, who are neither university students nor employed.Furthermore, the AK Party promised to increase the monthly financial support it provides to university students from TL 330 to TL 400. The AK party is also expected to provide free Internet to youths. Davutoğlu reiterated the AK Party's pledge to support recent ready-to-invest university graduates a TL 50,000 fund with no repayment. A further TL 100,000 in interest-free funding will be provided by the government where necessary. The party also guaranteed new financial privileges to senior citizens. With promises that retirees will receive an extra TL 1,200 a year. Retirees having to pay rent will also be pleased by the AK Party's pledges, which provide flats in installments of TL 250. The AK Party promises to not neglect new mothers. New regulations allow mothers to receive TL 300 for their first child, TL 400 for the second and TL 600 for the third, per month. Laws regarding maternity leave are also being improved.