Turkish Internet infrastructure set for major overhaul

Istanbul - Turkey's Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan said over the weekend that Turkey has made significant progress in the area of information technology in recent years and that the country is taking firm steps toward being an information society.According to a 2013 fourth-quarter report by the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK), the number of Internet subscribers in Turkey rose to 32.6 million and the number of mobile Internet users reached 24.1 million."Improved Internet speed and infrastructure is seen as a prerequisite to economic growth in almost all sectors of developing countries" Elvan said. Elvan also said that the average person talks on the phone for a monthly average of 330 minutes according to data collected during the last quarter of 2013, making Turkey the leading mobile phone using country in Europe. "However, the call duration in the previous term reached up to 340 minutes per capita. The duration of talking on the phone declines while the rate of Internet use rapidly increases.Mobile Internet use of 69.073 TByte in 2012 doubled at the end of 2013 and rose up to 141.633 TByte" Elvan said.The minister stressed that developments and investments in informatics infrastructure improves the Internet infrastructure in Turkey with every passing day and added, "An investment of TL 5.4 billion in total was made in the area of communications infrastructure by mobile and other operators. With these investments, the length of fiber optics, 167,921 km in 2012, increased by 8 percent and reached 181,973 km.Total fiber optics length of alternative operators increased by 7 percent and rose up to 45,440 km from 42,364 km as of 2012. Thus, the length of fiber optics that provides broadband internet infrastructure is now approximately 228,000 km," said Elvan.