Busy diplomatic schedule continues for Erdoğan in New York

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with various world leaders on the sidelines of the 73rd U.N. General Assembly ahead of the general meeting on Monday.

Erdoğan is visiting New York to attend the assembly, which is hosting more than 140 states and their heads of government this week between Sept. 23 and 26.

Accordingly, on Monday, Erdoğan held closed-door talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay, and the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab.

While Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca and Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank accompanied Erdoğan in his meeting with Abe; Çavuşoğlu, Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, and the head of Turkey's National Intelligence Organization, Hakan Fidan, were also present at the meeting with Rouhani.

On Monday, Erdoğan held talks with Belgium Prime Minister Charles Michel in New York. Speaking to a Belgian newspaper, Michel underlined that he and Erdoğan exchanged views on numerous issues, including Turkey's geopolitical role in Syria, the fight against terrorism, refugees, Turkey's relations with the European Union, the U.S. and Russia in "an open and sincere" environment.

Touching on the fact that meetings between ministers of the two countries halted following the failed coup attempt in Turkey, Michel said: "We've decided to revive our relatively slowed-down relations with Turkey. We plan to hold meetings between our security units soon." Michel also added that the future of EU-Turkey relations was comprehensively discussed, and both countries were on the same page to maintain cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

As part of his meetings in New York, Erdoğan was also expected to hold bilateral talks with the leaders of Greece, Mozambique, Slovenia and Venezuela.