Busy agenda awaits Erdoğan on second day of his US visit

On the third day of his four-day visit to the United States, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is expected to attend the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations and give a speech focusing mainly on the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria, particularly in Idlib province.

The theme of the U.N. General Assembly for this year's meetings is "Making the United Nations Relevant to All People: Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies." Between Sept. 25 and Oct. 1, the leaders of the member states will give their speeches. Under the roof of the U.N., which will host more than 140 states and their heads of government this week, Brazil will be the first country to address the meeting; as the host of the event, U.S. President Donald Trump will be the second head of state to address the assembly.

Erdoğan, on the other hand, will be the fourth in line to give a speech. He is expected to call on the international community to share responsibility in facing challenges posed by the conflicts in the region.

He also expected to attend the Turkey-U.S Business Council's (TAİK) 9th Turkey Investment Conference in New York on Sept. 26 and meet with around 400 investors, senior executives of large funds, important players in the financial world and representatives of investment banks.

On the sidelines of the meetings, Turkey's first lady Emine Erdoğan will also host an event on empowering women and girls in Africa. Erdoğan's visit to New York started on Sunday and expected to last for four days before he travels to Germany on an official visit to the country.