Turkish Bar president's "No" campaign broadcasted on Dutch public TV channel

President of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations (UTBA) Metin Feyzioğlu's meeting in Rotterdam where he campaigned for the "No" vote has been broadcasted on the Netherlands public television channel while Turkish officials promoting "Yes" vote were banned from meeting Turkish citizens in the European country.

A video which has resurfaced on Sunday following Turkish Family and Social Affairs Minister Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya's detention in Rotterdam on Saturday night showed the Dutch public TV channel NOS broadcasting Feyzioğlu's meeting with Turkish citizens in Netherlands. Turkish social media users criticized the Dutch for favoring "No" vote in Turkey and interfering in the country's domestic matters.

Earlier on Saturday, the Dutch government canceled the Turkish foreign minister's flight permit and blocked the family minister's convoy from entering the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam. The ministers were due to meet Turkish society ahead of the April 16 referendum concerning a constitutional amendment.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry asked off-duty Dutch ambassador in Ankara, who was on leave, not to return "for a while."

Upon arrival in Istanbul, Minister Kaya held a press conference at Istanbultarget="_blank"'>