Peace talks 'not over,' says Turkish Cypriot president

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) President Mustafa Akıncı said Sunday that Cyprus peace talks will resume in Switzerland on Nov. 20. "I consider the idea that it [talks] remains conclusive as a pessimist approach. Because this process is not over," he told reporters at Ercan Airport after he returned from Switzerland.Akıncı and Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades were engaged in sustained negotiations in Mont Pelerin since Nov. 7 under the auspices of the U.N.Akıncı said the talks were suspended for one week at the request of Anastasiades. "Therefore, the process will resume in Switzerland. That is the agreement reached," Akıncı added. He also said Turkish Cypriots will continue with their "well-intentioned efforts."Reunification talks between the Greek and Turkish communities on the island resumed in May 2015 and were expected to be resolved by the end of this year with the formation of a federal administration. The eastern Mediterranean island was divided into a Turkish Cypriot state in the north and a Greek Cypriot administration in the south after a 1974 military coup on the island was followed by the intervention of Turkey as a guarantor power.