The US conspiracy

Once, the U.S. used to resort to all sorts of illegal means through the CIA against countries it wished to colonize or those that did not act in line with U.S. interests. In some cases, the country even cooperated with drug and arms dealers or war barons to topple the governments of targeted countries. When such efforts did not yield results, the U.S. military interfered. Thus, the U.S. has always had a gruesome image around the world.

Apparently, some groups in the U.S. want to go back to the old times when the world hated the country. At a time when the U.S. seemed to get rid of its former bad reputation against which the world responded by telling it to go home for years, it has started to adopt the obnoxious methods it employed before.

The U.S. has lost its influence in the Middle East due to its mistaken policies in the region. The country is currently disturbed by Russia's strong position in the region as well as Turkey's independent policies and operations launched for Turkey's interests. Consequently, the U.S. provided a large amount of weapons and ammunition to the outlawed PKK's Syrian offshoot Democratic Union Party's (PYD) armed People's Protection Units (YPG) to stir chaos in Syria. Also, the U.S. cooperates with the devil, as the weapons it provided to the YPG would be used in terrorist attacks against NATO allies in Europe. For the sake of saving their plan, the country even allowed Daesh militants to withdraw from regions where the terrorist group lost the fight. The U.S.'s only purpose in Syria is to keep Turkey away from the region through the PYD and YPG while proving its power to Russia and Iran. Unfortunately, they even resorted to the abomination of cooperating with terrorists for this sake.

On top of this, the U.S. has been enacting all kinds of anti-democratic methods to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is determined to maintain Turkey's independent policies. The U.S. even sided with those in charge of the atrocious coup attempt organized by the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ) on July 15, 2016. Just as it supported putschists like Pinochet in Latin America in the past, the U.S. now presents FETÖ leader Fetullah Gülen an opportunity to maintain FETÖ's activities in the U.S.

As such actions failed, the U.S. has lately resorted to an even more odious conspiracy. With a case currently ongoing in New York, which is reminiscent of a theater play, the U.S. attempts to undermine the Turkish economy by charging Turkey and Turkish banks with false evidence. The main objective of the case is to economically strain the Turkish nation, which supports Erdoğan unconditionally. The U.S. court is accusing Turkey of violating the embargo against Iran although Turkey is fully conforming to all UN decisions on Iran. Since their accusations are not true, they have come up with false witnesses and fabricated evidence.

The U.S. has enacted the scheme it set up against Turkey through Iranian-Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab, who is probably a CIA agent. Obviously, Zarrab entered Turkey as a result of a thoroughly organized plan and ran commercial activities between Turkey and Iran as required by the plan. Following that, on Dec. 17 and Dec. 25, 2014, they led to the breakout of a so-called corruption scandal, government officials were ordered to be arrested just like the scheme in Saudi Arabia. As this plan failed, Zarrab was detained in the U.S. when he landed in the country for a so-called tourist visit. Interestingly, Zarrab, as a "tourist," shut down all his businesses in Turkey before heading to the U.S. And even more interestingly, all his family members fled from Turkey to Iran in September, prior to Oct. 26, when it was announced that he would attend the court as a witness.The U.S. has woven this plot down to the smallest detail. Currently in New York, this plot is staged in the ongoing case. It is ignored that the judge and prosecutors of the case have been revealed to be affiliated with FETÖ. It is uncertain to what extent the jurors are impartial. We hope that the European public will not take on the role tailored for them by the U.S. as Europe remembers the previous crimes of the U.S. Hopefully, the EU and EU countries will refuse to be a part of this operation to undermine Turkey with Zarrab's lies and fabricated evidence. I hope for the same for the EU media. Continental Europe is experienced regarding U.S. conspiracies. Plus, who can guarantee what is currently being done to Turkey will not happen to Portugal, Greece or Romania in future?