The EU aligns itself with the foes of Erdoğan

When the country in question is Turkey, only one policy comes to the agenda in the European Union and that is "dissenting for the sake of dissenting." Worse still, a common mindset prevalent in the EU suggests that the foes of Turkey are the European bloc's friends per se. Otherwise, how would one explain why some EU members have been opening their doors to terrorist groups wreaking havoc in both Turkey and the Middle East?

The fact that the outlawed PKK has so far killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Turkey and Iraq and is officially recognized as a terrorist group across the globe, is seemingly overlooked by the EU, as it lets PKK proponents to freely maintain their activities in many European countries.

Even though EU police departments' annual reports state how the PKK is involved in human, drug trafficking and racketeering activities targeting the Kurdish population in the EU states, they are still allowed to hold programs, exhibitions, organize mass events and keep forming illegal networks in some EU nations without facing any problem or opposition whatsoever.

On top of that, they recruit young Kurds out of these EU countries and take them to PKK outposts in Iraq, in order to provide training and use them as militants.

Apparently, none of this bothers the EU or any EU country since they do not take any measures on the subject despite all the protests by Turkey. PKK militants, who fled to Europe after being involved in terrorist assaults, can maintain their activities under the protection of some EU countries, and despite all the extradition requests from Turkey.

This EU's compassionate behavior towards the PKK can seemingly have only one explanation: The PKK and its offshoots are enemies of Turkey, but for the EU, as long as they oppose the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, they will be considered as "harmless" figures.

Unsurprisingly, militants of the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), who attempted to stage a coup and grab power in Turkey on July 15 by killing dozens and injuring more than a thousand people, have also been maintaining their activities in some EU countries. For instance, the former prosecutors affiliated with FETÖ, who caused many people to unduly perish in prisons, are not extradited to Turkey despite its requests and what notion of justice could actually justify this attitude?

Likewise, these coup plotters are being consoled in the EU countries they took shelter in for failing in the coup attempt. Are the EU countries not bothered by the schools FETÖ founded to brainwash little children and by its associations that deceive people by exploiting Islam? If they are not, the reason is the same. As FETÖ stands against the AK Party government and President Erdoğan, they enjoy status and continue their activities in the EU unabated.

The same goes for the PKK's Syrian offshoot, the Democratic Union Party (PYD). As long as they are against Turkey, they are allowed to open representative agencies in many of the EU capitals.

Moreover, the European bloc seems to share a similar perspective in regard to all the developments in Turkey. In a latest example, a certain parliament member from a certain political party had his political immunity lifted and was called to the prosecutor's office for a testimony after he was found carrying weapons for PKK militants. When he declined to go to the prosecutor's, he was detained, a standard procedure for any state with a rule of law.

The EU, however, does not look at the incident from this point of view. If the parliament member in question is against the AK Party and Erdoğan, then the EU does not take any interest in his affiliations with terrorists. They immediately issue press releases and statements accusing Turkey.

Lately, no sanction or implementation has been made with regard to Kurds or the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which claims to represent Kurds.

Recently, after an investigation was launched against some HDP deputies due to their links to the PKK and their support for some terrorist activities of the group, the EU adopted the same old stance. The situation was immediately undermined and cliché statements such as "The HDP is being blocked and Kurds are oppressed in Turkey," were issued.

Even after Friday's atrocious terrorist assault by the PKK in Diyarbakır, some European TV stations presented a lie suggesting that "the incidents that broke out in Diyarbakır had led to casualties," which was predictable, since the general policy in the EU makes it possible to defame Turkey and manipulate public opinion by twisting the facts.

But, what is the point? People in Turkey are sick and tired of this attitude of the EU. They can see the fact that the EU member states display an exemplary solidarity and cooperation in their battle against terrorism, but when it comes to Turkey, they make a u-turn and host the terrorist forces threatening Turkey, leaving it alone in its battle.

Turkish citizens are also aware of the fact that Turkey is the only country that has waged a total war against all kinds of terrorist activities and a vast majority of population side with President Erdoğan and the AK Party government on this issue. The overwhelming majority of the Turkish population, regardless of whether they are of Turkish or Kurdish origins, wishes that the PKK were fought until it is completely eradicated.

Thus to Turks, the EU is now nothing more than a great disappointment. Therefore, the European Commission's Progress Report on Turkey that is to be published on Nov. 9 and the calls of some EU politicians to suspend Turkey's EU membership process, mean little to them.

The EU has only itself and its double standards to blame for this new low.