People in Diyarbakır do not support HDP municipality

Lately, in Brussels and many other European cities, some political party members and non-governmental organizations are organizing events and writing letters to represent the arrest of Diyarbakır mayor as evidence of the so-called oppression against Kurds in Turkey. According to this view, detaining some mayors from the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) municipalities in the southeast of Turkey due to their affiliation with the outlawed PKK actually aims to silence Kurds in Turkey. In Europe, a perception operation is being conducted basing on lies and black propaganda again.At the European Parliament (EP), some initiatives are being organized nowadays particularly against the detainment of Diyarbakır Mayor Gülten Kışanak in some correspondences between parliament members. To briefly summarize, Kışanak was detained by Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on the charge of being a member of an armed terrorist group. After her interrogation, Kışanak was tried at the Criminal Court of Peace and an arrest warrant was issued for her thereafter.Currently, the propaganda activities addressing to the European Commission have increased. An intense pressure is put on the commission to include some outcry against the arrests of the HDP mayors in the upcoming progress report on Turkey, which is expected to be announced on Nov. 9.The PKK's Brussels lobby is likely to be very active on the subject for the next 10 days.However, the reality is quite different.The PKK has supporters in Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen and other European Union capitals. Most of them do not really care about Kurds. What really matters to them is to reinforce the lobby against Turkey by using the lies and black propaganda made up by the PKK and the HDP. For the anti-Turkey circles engaged with such activities in Europe, the names of the terrorist groups they cooperate do not have any importance. They formerly used Armenian terrorist group ASALA for their aims. And for years now, they have been using the PKK. Also within the last three years, they have looked to the help of Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), but this did not work. When FETÖ failed, they again focused on the PKK and its Syrian offshoot PYD to engage in activities against Turkey. In brief, a Stalinist terrorist group who is not actually motivated to defend the rights of Kurds but only exploits Kurds has a lobby in Brussels and other EU capitals and it enjoys wide support.The Kurds living in Turkey do not have a lobby at all. As a matter of fact, no one in Brussels, Berlin or Paris shows any interest in them. If Kurds had been the real issue, today we could not find any politician in Brussels advocating for the PKK because defending human rights means strongly opposing to the outlawed PKK.I was in Diyarbakır on Oct. 28-29. With my Kurdish fellows in Diyarbakır I made a tour of the city. I also talked to people in Diyarbakır.As a former EP member, I would like to ask a few questions to my EP member friends.Have they ever considered why the locals of Diyarbakır have not protested the detainment of Gülten Kışanak? If they were really pleased with the services of the HDP municipality and believed that Kışanak was subjected to injustice, they would have poured into streets and no one would have been able to prevent that.The reality is different even though it does not serve the purposes of some of the groups in Brussels.The people in Diyarbakır are tired of HDP municipalities since they serve the PKK instead of people. The HDP municipalities act under the command of the PKK. For instance, since Kışanak was detained, the PKK stopped cleaning and transportation services to make people revolt. The streets of Diyarbakır are now filled with garbage. The municipality buses are parked in garages and people are obliged to walk to their destinations. The PKK is in this way punishing the people in Diyarbakır who did not protest the arrest of the PKK-proponent mayor. I wonder if the so-called friends of Kurds in Europe have seen the latest problems Diyarbakır locals encountered. The locals of Diyarbakır are tired of the PKK's racketeering activities. In southeast Turkey, a certain proportion of the municipal employees'salaries are cut to aid the PKK under the name of a "grant." Which EU standard does this act comply with? Do our European friends approve the usage of municipal commodities in the unlawful activities of the PKK?I would like to address to our European friends.You should not only contact the representatives of the PKK and the HDP. Try talking to people on the streets of Diyarbakır. Since you head to Diyarbakır or other southeastern cities only in the company of PKK proponents, you cannot learn people's opinion. The PKK and the HDP are making you talk to only their sympathizers or the ones they intimidate. You can never find out what the Kurds in Turkey really want.However, the Kurds living in the southeastern region, particularly in Diyarbakır, are tired of the PKK's terrorism. It is impossible to get service from any HDP municipality without paying bribes to the PKK. People are sick and tired of this. They have been disappointed since the mayors they elected with high hopes tormented the people.Therefore, people do not react against the arrest of the HDP mayor because they are aware of their support of the terrorist group. Since yesterday, the streets of Diyarbakır are being cleaned. And the municipality of Diyarbakır's Sur district is the one providing this service since there is no HDP mayor in Sur district anymore. Sur Municipality is not under the rule of the PKK and it is now cleaning the streets of Diyarbakır despite the threat of the PKK. The locals are pleased with this service. I suggest you contact the people in Diyarbakır before collecting signatures and introducing draft resolutions to the parliament for Gülten Kışanak. But while doing this, avoid your PKK-proponent friends this time.