How will producers of false evidence be judged?

Since the Gülen Movement foresaw that some operations would be launched against their illegal activities within the state, they have been conducting lobbying activities in the West, which is already poised to believe in what Gülenists say. As unlawful detentions and operations conducted by Gülenist police and members of the judiciary unfold one by one, the Gülenist parallel structure, rather ironically, strives to find protectors for themselves through their own misdeeds.In order to avoid this, we should pay attention to the role of the judiciary in these unlawful operations, as allegations suggest that they were carried out by a tripartite mechanism consisting of prosecutors, judges and police. There are weapons on which police officers' fingerprints were found. The role of the police is being investigated, but what about the role of the judiciary? There is a prosecutor who relies on this evidence, as well as a judge who jailed members of the Tahşiye group. Why do we not start the business with the judiciary? Why do the public and the West not learn this story through these plots?For instance, there is striking detail regarding the judicial arm of these operations. The name of the prosecutor conducting the Tahşiye investigation is Kadir Altınışık. He is the prosecutor who questioned former chief of police Hanefi Avcı as soon as he wrote a book about the illegal activities of Gülenists in the police.Altınışık was also the prosecutor who drew up the indictment that associated the bombs placed at daily Cumhuriyet's headquarters with the Ergenekon case. Furthermore, he was the prosecutor who took testimony regarding the documents brought to daily Taraf as a part of the Action Plan against Reactionary Forces. In short, he took part in the critical phases of cases that were suspected of being conspiracies of the Gülenist judiciary. As you are aware, it has been recently unveiled that the writing on CDs that were used as the main evidence in the Sledgehammer (Balyoz) case were written by a machine, despite seeming to be handwritten, adding one more shady deal to the already complicated matter. So, why do things not start with the judicial arm despite all this?I posed this question to lawyers who took part in the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer cases. As far as I was informed, little progress can be made in the judiciary even though the procedure has been initiated and there are complaints about many prosecutors and judges of relevant cases.According to lawyer Hüseyin Ersöz, complaints in the Ergenekon and Sledgehammer cases are stranded in the Third Chamber of the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) and they cannot make any progress as an investigation has not been allowed. There are now complaints about many prosecutors and judges regarding these cases. They will be addressed, but the 3rd Chamber of the old HSYK did not carry out transactions for a long while foreseeing the current situation with thousands of files being accumulated. They wanted to lock the chamber on purpose, and that is why it takes a very long time to put these complaints into process.Ersöz's remarks are very serious, and if they are true, they constitute more evidence proving the existence of such a parallel structure. We are encountering a structure that ensures its protection in all respects. Therefore, this is a very hard task to manage.Furthermore, the lawyers I interviewed said that the current prosecutors are performing very well. With the elimination of that structure, indiscriminate arrests have ended. However, there are still unnoticed cases along with many others dominated by the parallel structure in the judiciary. It is apparent that the cleansing of Turkey is starting now.