Three angles of Western perception of Turkey

It may be possible to roughly categorize the Western perspective of Turkey into three groups. The first group - again roughly categorized - is comprised of those who make a good-willed effort to understand what is going on in the Middle East. They are attentive in grasping the context and facts and making evaluations based on the criteria that are as objective as possible.The second group consists of those who attribute correctness to modernity and the Western style of democracy, culture, science and life. This group actually stirs up many discussions within Western culture as well. According to this group, these sacred aspects of the West constitute the highest point human civilization can reach. Even though they have internal problems, according to this group, the best solutions are found by sticking to this framework. All the offers, diversity and different interpretations regarding the Western style of democracy, culture, science and life should be evaluated according to a specific template, those not conforming to this template should be seen as threat, and those who conform should be backed despite all their problems.This tendency also led to support being given to former general and current Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who overthrew the democratically-elected president, Mohammed Morsi, in a coup, despite the fact that it was Morsi who ended the reign of a dictator without shedding blood. Instead of waiting for the Egyptian public to penalize the misdeeds of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in elections, a bloody coup that caused the deaths of thousands was found to be more "Western." The West claims that even if it contradicts democracy, the regime's democracy and governing style, which does not conform to the Western style, legitimized supporting the coup, as well as the exigencies and the mistakes of the Muslim Brotherhood. Today, this attitude is heavily criticized by commonsense circles in the U.S. and EU.The world is not a bed of roses, and Egypt has considerable importance. Especially when Israel's security choices and the property of energy lines are considered, all kinds of ethical and democratic precedence suddenly become trivial details. If Egyptians were free to make their own choices, and even though the Muslim Brotherhood was the most evil administration, the resolution of the problems by the public would have been a great step for the country's democracy. The people would have trusted their own will rather than that of the generals. Maybe this is the exact thing that is not wanted.This brings us to the third group that is comprised of professionals. This group, consisting of the media, nongovernmental organizations, large corporations and lobbies still has the power to form a certain perception or reality according to their desires on issues such as Egypt and Palestine, although their international power has declined compared to the past. Here we are talking about a mindset that recently has led to complications such as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), and formerly made inroads into the U.S. intervention in Iraq, which killed millions of people, on the grounds of alleged weapons of mass destruction, which eventually turned out to be false.However, in Ukraine this engineering did not progress as smoothly as it did in the Middle East. The chaos which erupted following the democratic protests against the pro-Russian government that was elected for Ukraine's inclusion in the Western pact after the inclusion of Eastern European countries in NATO, led to harsh intervention by Russia. Although it is now history, we can compare this with another instance of Russian intervention that would take place in the guise of an attempt at civil society or justice in order to include Canada in the Warsaw Pact. What would the U.S. do in such a case?Invaluable concepts such as democracy, human rights and freedom of thought and expression are reduced to the level of a lever under the name of "benefit." So they come to mean a simulated construction that could only be maintained in victory. But more dangerously, the acquisition of democracy, which has been gained with a heavy price since the Magna Carta, and during the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, is decontextualized as the successors of this heritage transform these values into a cheap market commodity. This also leads to rising racism, the decline of representative democracy and individuals secluding themselves from national and international issues in the Western world. In brief, it is of vital importance for the future of the West for the first two groups to adopt a more realistic and ethical positions in order to preserve their own democracies against the third group.