Demands for equality and European Parliament elections

Turkey has recently started to become exposed to some discourses and strategies worldwide that are very similar to the language used in the domestic conflict. So the country is currently trying to express itself despite reporting by both national media organs such as Hürriyet, CNNturk, Radikal, Birgün, Bugün, Zaman, BBC Turkish and T24, and the Western press including Der Spiegel, Bild, Frankfurter Allgemeine, The Economist, BBC, WSJ, Freedom House, HRW and Amnesty International. Of course, these efforts of expression are important. Breaking the monopoly that describes Turkey to the world provides a noteworthy opportunity for those who sincerely try to explain Turkey to the world. On the other hand, the West has difficulty in grasping what is going on outside since it is stuck in the limits of Western thought. So they cannot interpret the phenomena alien to them, and thus get anxious.However, this issue requires more than an effort by Turkey. A struggle which only plays out through arguments is doomed to be misunderstood since the power balances are not equal. It is true that expressing oneself sincerely, distinguishing between design struggles and criticisms, and reforming oneself are among the requirements. This effort is meaningful for the West, however, the Western governmental superstructures already know you better than you know yourself. So this step is not enough either.The real staple of this struggle is the power relations on which mentalities settle. In company with power, reality, which is already a relative concept, becomes a production. For this reason, you could spend most of your energy trying to explain the unfair attitudes of Yılmaz Özdil and Der Spiegel, make emotional mistakes out of anger and could be satisfied with them. Western analysts have a definition for the East, which is partly true: "The Eastern people could be easily manipulated as they lose their sense of reality with a little praise and a little disturbance."The West seems to be doomed to monotony by making itself the center and alienating the rest of the world, building a modern version of the Tower of Babel and returning back to the pre-Galileo period's world (Western) centered universe model.Europe could not face this problem which actually dates back some time. Racist, anti-migrant and anti-EU parties won about 20 percent of the chairs in the recent European Parliament elections. Doubtlessly, Europe and Western geography ontologically regards itself as superior to the East and desires the continuation of its rule over the East. It does not only imply their realpolitik strategies consisting of Israel's misconstrued security strategy and controlling oil and natural gas sources. The West really thinks that it invented the true form of democracy and lifestyle. That naturally forms a narrow mindedness preventing equal relationships with the East and Turkey. Consequently, the intellectual gaps on this mentality are filled with negative tendencies such as "racism" and "excluding the migrants."This also means that the West is actually betraying its own enlightenment values. Though their original starting point was "the equality between people," they insisted on claiming that the West and the East cannot be ontologically equal "for some reasons," which means the exploitation of these values for the sake of realpolitik. However, this paradigm has already expired. Eastern countries, especially Turkey, are trying to find their own individual ways of democracy and have taken many steps in this regard. This effort was also supported with economic development and provisions of domestic peace. So, naturally, equality with the West is demanded. This is a call which clearly suggests that the West-East relationship should be based on equality and the world should be shared with everyone. Is it possible to react against it?Turkey is standing at the right position within the historical context and interestingly, it can still stand on its feet. It should sustain this success through a strategy which is right, moral, deep and emphasizing rationalism and self-criticism rather than complexes. Standing at the right position in history brings a moral power, but it is not enough on its own.So, the struggle of Turkey and the East is to share the world with everyone rather than reversing the 300-year period and colonizing the West. Erdoğan also underlined this intention during his speech in Cologne.The West's insistence on not understanding Turkey is due to both some realpolitik interests and the fact that they have been caught mentally unprepared for the 21st century.