Why does the PKK fight, and for whom?

The escalation of violence by the PKK, coming in conjunction with ISIS's terrorist attack in Suruç, makes no sense whatsoever and should only be seen as the terrorist group's efforts to exploit the regional chaos

Every sane person since July 11 when the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) started the war has been seeking the answer to the question: Why does the PKK fight?. This is a fair question. Professor Halil Berktay expands on this and asks the following question including the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in the equation:

"I only want you to clarify this: For exactly what will you fight [or are fighting right now] at this phase? Which unfulfilled rights or demands you had at the previous phase legitimize and justify your fight at the moment? What are your exact goals that you cannot achieve without fighting that you hope to attain by fighting or that would make you give up fighting after achieving them? Suppose that the clashes progressed as you wished. When would you end this, after which point you brought the government to?

I am directing this question not only to the PKK, but to the HDP as well. ... [HDP Co-Chairs] Selahattin Demirtaş, Figen Yüksekdağ and other HDP leaders: What do you think the PKK wants and why does it fight at this phase? Can you explain that to me and to those wondering, like me, with your own assessments and words from your own point of view without speaking on behalf of the PKK?"

I am sure the millions who voted for the HDP who wanted the prevention of any chaos and a resolution to the problems within the limits of politics wonder about the answer of these questions. No answer has come from either the PKK leadership in northern Iraq's Qandil Mountains or the HDP so far and there is no indication that an answer will come soon. They cannot answer this at all because the Kurdish base through which they do politics does not want this war. This is obvious when the great disappointment and stupefaction of the millions voting for the HDP is seen in the face of the latest incidents. Is there any logic in killing, bombing and ambushing when there is a strong political ground? So why does the PKK fight? The answer to this lies behind the recent developments in the region. A new strategic alliance is being formed in the region between Turkey and the U.S. It seems that the terror that spread to Turkey is an answer to these changes, which targets Turkey to become withdrawn by losing its stability.

This was introduced through the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which is used as a tool in the region. The KCK declared war on July 11, but it began its murders and terrorist attacks after the violent attack by ISIS in Suruç on July 20, and a strange picture came out. Turkey surprised those who were doing politics with the rubbish that Turkey supports ISIS for a long time and initiated a war against ISIS. Those fighting ISIS also initiated a counter-attack on Turkey at the same time.

There was something wrong in this picture. Those who wanted Turkey to fight ISIS, until recently, suddenly changed their minds. The normal reaction to this should have been supporting Ankara's decision, shouldn't it? But it did not happen since this new situation disrupted the calculations made in regard to the region. Therefore the reason for conflict the PKK leadership announced has no logic in terms of domestic politics.

Hürhaber's analyst İlhami Işık said:

"The answer to this question should be sought outside. While even the stupidest organization in the world has risen to such a degree, it would not tarnish its name with homicide. And the PKK, which has survived in the Middle East for 40 years, would never do that. Then there must be something it cannot resist. A reason would not be sought if someone said that Turkey's rise would prevent them and if Qandil owes something to them. In other words, Turkey's gaining strength means that some countries cannot act as they wish in the region. This is the reason why Qandil broke out the conflicts."

Evidently, the fact that Turkey started a fight against ISIS in alliance with the U.S. mobilized those conducting a "war of deputation" in the region. There is more than one force in the region that does not want Turkey to gain strength or have a word. To prevent that, they attempted to cast a cloud on Turkey's fight against ISIS, wanting the country to become withdrawn and introverted. This calculation is made not by Kurds, but by those who do not want peaceful coexistence of Turks and Kurds in the region and its effectiveness. Therefore, the PKK leadership or HDP cannot and will not be able to show any reason to justify this dishonorable war.