Turkish resolve a warning to friends and foes...

Turkey has taught a tough lesson to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its militant wing People's Protection Units (YPG), affiliates of the PKK terrorist organization. The PYD had become overconfident, expecting big brother United States to rally to their support in case they were hit by Turkey.

Yet the PYD stepped out of line. They did not fight DAESH but instead they started following their own plan to grab all of northern Syria and turn it into a Kurdish enclave.

So in the end they made the fatal mistake of being overconfident as they tried to harass our border units. Thus Turkey started shelling YPG positions across the border in Azaz and the nearby air base, which the Syrian Kurds tried to occupy.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu was very clear. He said the PYD and its YPG sidekicks are expected to keep out of Azaz, keep out of the air base and also stop trying to sever Turkey's humanitarian aid route to Aleppo. PYD leader Saleh Muslim said they would defy Turkey but it is clear that both the Americans and Russians are aware that Turkey means business and will not allow its borders to be threatened by anyone and especially by the PYD and YPG.

No one should misread the Turkish resolve. Turks are people of principle and they will not budge under pressure. You only have to look back in recent history and see what the realities are.

The Americans imposed a heavy arms embargo on their NATO ally Turkey in the 1970s. Turkey was not as strong and influential as it is today. Yet even the Turkey for the 1970s defied the Americans who told us not to go into Cyprus and defend the Turkish Cypriots who were being butchered by the Greek Cypriot fanatics who toppled the Makarios government in 1974.

The Americans tried to talk Turkey out of intervening in Cyprus but they could not stop Ankara.

Turks braved the American embargo and in the end the U.S. Congress had to lift it.

Today's Turkey is much stronger in every aspect compared to the Turkey of those days. Turks have shown their resolve everywhere from the Aegean to the Gulf.

So no one should try to test Ankara's resolve, especially the PYD.

If Muslim and his friends have any sense they would sever their ties with the PKK, court Ankara and try to survive in this region. Yet, they have chosen the course of conflict and defiance. They have provided support to the PKK in all aspects and thus have been a part of the PKK bloodbath in southeastern Turkey.

Turkey will continue bombing the PYD. If they fail to get the message then Turkey will resort to other means that will include the intervention of an Islamic force that will include Saudi troops as well as forces from other Islamic states.

The Turkish resolve displayed against the PYD is a message to all friends and foes. Those who pretend to be friends but who support the PYD and give arms to the YPG will have to get the message as well.