Ankara bombing: Anger, sorrow and frustration...

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack that killed close to a hundred people while injuring hundreds, we need to put aside our political views and share the common sorrow in patience

The head coach of the Turkish national football team summed it all up in a short press conference after Turkey beat the Czech Republic 2-0 in an away game Saturday night. He said, "How can he and his team rejoice after the Ankara terrorist bombing that left at least 95 dead and more than 200 wounded." He said the jubilation and fanfare should be left to another day. That sums up the mood of the ordinary citizen of the Turkish Republic: Anger, sorrow and frustration.

"The day after" is when a tragedy starts sinking in after a great shock. The people of this country should see the massive plot that is targeting their country that has been an island of peace, tranquility and security. They should unite to defy all the odds, all domestic and foreign plots and face the threat that they face today. This only needs patience, common sense, goodwill and tolerance.

The minute the bombs went off in Ankara social media was flooded with claims that the government and state were behind this disgusting act. They even claimed the president was responsible for the bombings.

No one bothered to ponder upon who this barbaric act will benefit.

The only people that displayed a calm and level-headed approach were Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Republican People's Party (CHP) Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu.

Kurdish nationalist People's Democracy Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş showed he is not made of leadership material as he practically vomited enmity toward the president and the prime minister, holding them responsible for the bombing and saying the state was behind this criminal act. He went as far as to say no foreign leader should send their condolences to Turkish state officials. These were not words of anger but they were words of enmity and cruelty.

Turkish ultraconservative Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli on the other hand rejected a call by Prime Minister Davutoğlu for a summit of the leaders of the CHP and MHP. He simply wants to create a massive negative atmosphere borne out of the bombing to hurt the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and hopes this will create setbacks for Davutoğlu in the Nov. 1 elections. He seems to forget that such an environment has a characteristic of swallowing up everyone and that by sitting on the sidelines, the MHP and Bahçeli cannot save themselves if the boat sinks.

So Davutoğlu and Kılıçdaroğlu have taken the lead to put aside their differences and face the challenges threatening this country. This is commendable. What is sad is that the Kurdish nationalists and Turkish nationalists are distancing themselves from the process. This should be a clear message to the Turkish voters that their well-being and future lies with the two major parties of Turkey.We all have to unite to fight those who are trying to systematically hurt our country. There is the radical Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) on the one hand. ISIS has issued a communique congratulating those behind the bombing saying they hope for the death of even more people. The PKK on the other hand has said they will create bloodbaths in Turkish cities. The outbursts from Demirtaş can either be a screen for the terrorists or he is unaware of what these people are capable of and is making statements out of ignorance. Then of course there is the left-wing Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C), which has been involved in all sorts of terrorist attacks including the ones against the Americans in Turkey. You may even have a coalition of all these to "finish off" Turkey.

This is the time to be vigilant, keep cool and use common sense. This is not the time to panic, it is not the time to accuse others and help those who want to create chaos. Let us not forget the bombing in Ankara was just one of the many attempts to create bloodbaths in Turkey in recent months. Many were caught by security forces yet one slipped and thus Saturday's tragedy.