Turkey serves notice to friends and foes

Has Turkey ended the peace and reconciliation process with its militant Kurds? Has Turkey's patience with the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) run out?The reply to all this is very clear. The government of Turkey first under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as prime minister and then under Prime minster Ahmet Davutoğlu has acted with the utmost goodwill and care not to hurt the delicate balances in and around the region, but unfortunately this was regarded as a sign of weakness and Turkey has decided to put an end to all this by saying to friends and foes that it means business.The Kurdish militant organization in Turkey, the PKK, has been exploiting the peace and reconciliation process throughout 2015 harassing the citizens of southeastern and eastern Turkey, launching 154 armed attacks, 172 bomb attacks as well as various types of violent crimes that add up to a total of 1,083 incidents.The citizens of this country had started to think the government was deep asleep as the PKK wreaked havoc across southeastern and eastern Turkey. What the government was doing was to try to keep the reconciliation process and the positive atmosphere it had created throughout the country alive and thus hope that by enhancing the political stature of the Kurdish political movement, the armed Kurds would be marginalized. So the government gave every chance to the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) to fit into the political picture and strive in the democratic environment. The HDP managed to win 13 percent of the vote in the June 7 elections, which meant many Turks as well as Kurds supported the party.However, the HDP has misread the intentions of the government. It has paid lip service to the PKK and it has bowed to the militants so much so that the HDP leaders said they rely on the PKK armed movement.It seems the HDP acted as if it was the representative of a trade union movement in a Nordic country and that they were simply rallying for the rights of workers. Here in Turkey we are trying to end the serious threat of Kurdish terrorism and the HDP was supposed to be a part of all this.So with the killing of two police officers by the PKK Turkey started to hit back at the PKK. Turkey wants the HDP to pacify the PKK and continue the reconciliation process. It is fed up with the PKK exploiting the goodwill of the government.On the other hand, Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) militants had also exhausted Ankara's patience by launching the bomb attack in the southeastern town of Suruç. Turkey hit back in style and has now decided to step up its effort against ISIS by cooperating more with the coalition led by the U.S. If the Syrians Kurds have some common sense they will turn their backs on the PKK and Syrian President Bashir Assad and cooperate with Turkey.What Turkey has done is not only limited to punishing the PKK and ISIS abroad. Turkey has also launched an all-out security operation at home, capturing hundreds of PKK and ISIS militants as well as left-wing terrorists from the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C). Turkey has served notice, now it is up to its adversaries to take the message and act accordingly or continue a fatal path of confrontation with Ankara.