Of course the government program is the same as before

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has been given successive mandates in the past by Turkish voters and has thus formed governments under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with a major plan to revamp the Turkish system and all its decaying structures and create a new Turkey. The Turkish electorate chose Erdoğan as their president in the August 10 direct election and thus gave the message to friend and foe alike that it wants the former prime minister to continue to lead the country toward new horizons.So Erdoğan has set off to change the structure of the Turkish state and political system with a grand project, but this of course is subject to a complete constitutional overhaul. That means the AK Party has to once again win a resounding victory in the June 2015 parliamentary elections and capture at least 330 seats to change the constitution without opposition and help Erdoğan achieve his massive reforms.On Thursday Parliament debated the Davutoğlu government program. It was really a sad event as the opposition had nothing innovative to say and just reiterated the same old arguments that have clearly not played well with the masses as the past election result has shown.It is really quite naive for the opposition parties to say that this government's program is the same as the past AK Party governments. The Davutoğlu government has set off with the mission to continue serving Turkey in earnest and thus continue the AK Party tradition of being the party of the masses. It is no surprise that the 62nd Republican government program set up by Davutoğlu is the same as the former AK party government of Erdoğan. Erdoğan has charted a course to transform Turkey into one of the top 10 leading countries in the world by 2023 and Davutoğlu's program clearly aims to continue on this path.You will see that if and when the AK Party wins the 2015 elections (as it is clear the opposition is in no shape to put up a proper challenge) the government program and its goals will be the same with some fine tuning.What is sad is that while the opposition continues this senseless campaign of criticizing the AK Party, it still does not offer any alternative policies or programs that the Turkish electorate can support.Let us hope that the convention of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) that will be held today will shake the foundations of the so-called left-wing front and create a sober opposition force that can eventually become an alternative to the AK Party. The initial indicators are that this will not be the case, but we still live and hope.