The day after with Prime Minister Davutoğlu

Incoming Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu is a man of energy and action and this will of course be reflected in his style of governing.When he was first appointed as an advisor to then Prime Minister Abdullah Gül, he was a question mark for everyone. But as time went by it became clear that Davutoğlu would become the trouble shooter for the government, especially in foreign policy.When Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took over as prime minister, Davutoğlu first served with Gül as foreign minister but then moved back to help out Erdoğan and soon became one of the architects of Turkish foreign policy and has thus had a role in the building of the "new" Turkey on democratic values. Turkish foreign policy, which was until then based on pacifism and extreme caution that actually harmed the country, was transformed into active foreign policy where Turkey did not lag behind events, but, in fact, dominated the events. This of course led to some failures, but in general, Turkey became a respectable member of the international community.The sick man of 12 years ago became a valuable and trusted friend that acted with principles for its allies and a dreaded foe for its enemies.Davutoğlu added some very valuable "soft" instruments into foreign policy like the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TİKA) led by Dr. Serdar Çam, which rushed to the help of many countries in trouble, helped to build their infrastructures and lead serious efforts all over the world ranging from Somalia to the Balkans to Afghanistan and many other places. Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate General, which in fact, is a giant Islamic organization on the international platform, became another golden foreign policy instrument that served the cause of Islam and represented the good name of Turkey throughout the Islamic world. Turkish Airlines was encouraged to grow to become a leading global airline, not only carrying the Turkish flag all over the world, but also Turkish business and influence making it another valuable foreign policy asset.Those who criticize Davutoğlu for his promise of "zero problems" with neighbors are making a huge mistake. Even if Turkey was situated in the heart of Europe away from all conflicts it would still have problems with its neighbors simply because of its relationship with them every moment. That is only natural. And if Turkey was in the heart of the greatest trouble spots of the world it would always have problems with its immediate neighbors or countries in its vicinity. The aim is and will always be to have zero problems with neighbors, but it always takes two to tango, and when one's partner is not prepared to participate or dance in harmony, there is very little one can do.Davutoğlu played an important role in foreign policy, which was one of the strong faces of the new Turkey. Now, with Erdoğan as the ultimate leader who will steer the country, Davutoğlu will be in charge of transforming the other faces of new Turkey, thus leading it to fulfill the goals of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) to complete the restructuring of Turkey by 2023, the 100th anniversary of the Turkish Republic.Erdoğan will lead the ship, and Davutoğlu will steer the wheel. With his energy, hard work and ability to find practical solutions to complicated matters, it is clear Davutoğlu will have a good chance of fulfilling this mission. People should look back into his file when he acted as the trouble-shooter for the government and the series of successes he achieved.Both Davutoğlu and Erdoğan have signaled an all-out war against the Gülen Movement. This is already proving a massive challenge and will be a great test for both. What is clear is that Davutoğlu will have plenty of time in the next 10 months to ease into his new job and lead his party (with the help of Erdoğan) into the parliamentary elections. He has to be careful about political intrigue and back biting, which exists in all political parties, including the AK Party.