Mosul, more complications at our door step

The mess that Nouri al Maliki has created in Iraq is leading to the further alienation of the Sunni Arabs and Kurds and hence the loss of a major city like Mosul to the extremist forces of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (or Levant).Turkey is already busy handling a complicated situation in its southeastern regions where the PKK is provoking all kinds of incidents to derail the ongoing peace process by encouraging children to bring down the flag to setting up road blocks to check civilian traffic. A policeman has been killed during the ongoing events.Now we have the Islamic Sunni extremists who control eastern Syria and Felluca in Iraq (north of Baghdad) taking over Mosul. Mosul is just across our border and a city where we do trade. Our trucks carry goods back and forth and now our truckers are being held by the extremists.As if that was not enough the militants have raided our consulate and are holding our people as hostages. The fact that the same extremists are now controlling the areas across our border not only in Syria but also in Iraq is a serious threat to regional stability. The Iraqi Kurds are seriously concerned and have told Maliki they can intervene thus drawing the Kurds into a new bloody conflict.Maliki claims he will regain control of Mosul but it is clear that the cat is now out of the bag and nothing will be the same in Mosul again. Maliki has made the same pledges when the extremists gained control of Felluca last January. Yet they are still there. During the elections campaign Maliki further alienated the Sunni population of Iraq at the cost of winning Shiite votes. Thus he lost control of the Felluca area to Sunni extremists and now Mosul, the second largest city of Iraq and a Sunni stronghold. What is bad news for Maliki is that while gaining control of Mosul the extremists had the backing of the local Sunni people which further complicates the picture.If you alienate the local people all you get is their cooperation with extremists… Maliki and Syria's Bashir Assad embraced each other. Now they have to deal with the extremist ISIL forces… Turkey and the Iraq Kurds on the other have to face a new complicated situation which they now find at their door steps with the extremists closing on in the rich oilfields of Kirkuk…