Who stood between AK Party and the people?

The Gezi events could be the starting point of this column, the Dec. 17 coup attempt could be used as some sort of data or we could even go back as far as three years ago, to the time when the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government was forced to act against the philosophy of its establishment. When the AK Party came on to the stage of history, it emerged as a political party that embraces all segments of society, defying the traditional ideological disguises and appeals to the people as a whole by calling out to the vast majority of the public.Indeed, the majority of the people of Turkey expressed on several occasions their gratitude for the government's discourses and policies, while others who oppose the government nevertheless acknowledged either openly or tacitly its services for the country. In the 2000s, when the Turkish political system was in an extremely unstable and fragmented condition, the AK Party proved its capability of calling out to large masses of people as indicated by its first election's voting rate of 35 percent.The Democratic Left Party (DSP), which turned out to be the principal partner of the coalition government in the previous elections, was almost erased from the political arena by a voting rate of 1 percent, while the Motherland Party (ANAP) was one of the two other partners of the government that remained under the electoral threshold. During such a period when the political spectrum was highly fragmented, the AK Party has, therefore, emerged as a legitimate hope for Turkish society. The backbone of the AK Party's executives was, in fact, composed of the political leaders operating within the Welfare Party (RP), and thus, the pioneers of the AK Party (primarily the current Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) were already wellknown by the people. In a period when civilian politics was squeezed through the "post-modern" coup d'etat of Feb. 28 and the military tutelage which stood over the political parties like the "sword of Damocles," the AK Party turned out to be the new horizon for the Turkish people with its uniting attitude. The AK Party leadership acted prudently while striving to resolve long-lasting problems between the state and the people (primarily the economic crises, the problem of democratization, the issue of civil rights, the Kurdish question and the headscarf issue) by always proceeding step by step, convincing society as a whole and presenting reasonable resolutions for the opposing sides of the problems. The problem-solving methods of the AK Party have been appreciated rightfully by all segments of society; however, a socio-psychological trap had been set for the government by the police units restructured within the Ministry of Internal Affairs during the political process that lasted from the referendum of Sept. 12 until the Gezi events. Those certain units within the police department presented the entirety of social movements in society as an organization that would soon turn into a coup d'etat against the government.Thus, Turkey's administration was forced to take severe measures against social demonstrations, student movements or any protest that emerged within the framework of the rule of law, which were purposefully presented as a coup d'etat against the state. It is a well-known state tradition that the political groups or communities that are powerful within the police department also have the capability to redirect illegal organizations. Thus, while certain illegal organizations were set in motion to create a chaotic political condition, the government that was forced to take severe measures against such movements was represented to the public as arbitrarily using violence against social demonstrations.I believe for three years the government faced such a secret operation designed by a certain group within the police department, which reached its climax in the Gezi events. Thanks to the profound foresight of the people and Turkey's administration such an operation has come to naught. Indeed, from the Gezi events onwards, neither violent street movements or severe government measures taken against social demonstrations has occurred. Therefore, we see that there were certain groups that stood between the government of the Republic of Turkey and its people.