Opposition hawks threaten negotiators peace process

Since the day of its inauguration of the AK Party has been striving to establish a righteous and fair outcome for the kurdish people. During the period when illegal organizations, such as 'Ergenekon', were able to exert influence over civilian politics, almost all of the peace efforts have been annulled due to provocations. The hawks are at the opposite ends of an ever-lasting conflict usually aimed at feeding off the protracted political deadlock and by doing so, they have helped each other. Through the armed conflict, the deepstate organization 'Ergenekon' kept the social psychology of a coup d'état alive throughout the nation, while the PKK suppressed its own people with the threat of arms.Turkey has many historical hunches filled with unresolved internal problems which are making it difficult to promote a presence in the international arena. As a result, Turkey has begun to see no option other than resolving the long-lasting Kurdish question. This occurred when the self-confidence of the country, both in terms of the State and public opinion, was re-gained by the Government's success in resolving many gangrened problems.While a peaceful resolution to the Kurdish question has turned out to be inescapable, the main actors of Turkish politics are divided into two main camps: on the one hand, there are the leaders of the Hizmet movement who had, until recently, a considerable amount of influence over the Government's policies aimed at defeating the Kurds. Turkish public opinion has been no stranger to such security- oriented perspectives, since it had been the exact policy of the army for the last twenty years. Still, İlker Başbuğ, the former head of the Turkish Armed Forces, opposed the political deadlock regarding the Kurdish question by stating that "the Kurdish question cannot be resolved through killing terrorists."On the other hand, the second approach is that the "negotiator" perspective that has been adopted by the government and the National Intelligence Organization (MİT). The aim of this approach is a righteous and fair resolution which relies essentially on political negotiations, an acknowledgment of the Kurdish identity that is agreeable to both the Kurds and the Turks and settling the Kurdish question through a dialogue with its main actors.Thanks to the recent researches of GENAR, we now appreciate the fact that there would be no significant resistance from the Turks and the Kurds against the resolution process. The real problem was the reaction of foreign countries and their known or unknown actors inside or outside of Turkey.In fact, the escalating tension beginning from the Gezi events to the attempted coup d'état on December 17, 2013 and the Lice events , aims at serving the same purpose - paralyzing the resolution process. The question then becomes, 'who are the main actors in this front of treason?' Firstly, it is manifest that the leaders of the Hizmet Movement have stood against the resolution process since its beginning. Secondly, the German government, which lacks the British mastery in hiding their secret motives, seems to be discontented with the recent democratic developments in Turkey. Similarly, Iran, whose internal political structure is, like Turkey in 2012, constituted by a libertarian leader 'Rouhani' on the stage and a hidden State organization behind him, seems to be aloof from the ongoing peace process. Thus, these and many other political forces aimed at disrupting the resolution of the Kurdish question have established malevolent alliances among themselves.Turkey and the prime minister maintain their faith and determination in the political resolution of the Kurdish question. In a similar vein, the Kurdish political actors that adopted a prudent attitude in the Gezi events accumulated invaluable experience from the peace process. Abdullah Öcalan for instance, protested against the recent events over the lowering of the Turkish flag by defining them as "provocations against the resolution process."A peaceful resolution to the Kurdish question, which necessitates true leadership and a great amount of political courage from the very beginning deserves peace, notwithstanding the conditions, and is directly related to the people of Turkey and Turkey's future.