Political stability is decisive

These days, one of the more interesting topics on the global agenda is how Donald Trump's cabinet will be shaped. Who comprises the new cabinet is important not only in terms of American domestic politics but has consequences for foreign policy preferences and economic policies as well. It is exactly for this reason that all eyes have turned to Washington. On the other hand, Trump's cabinet choices will also demonstrate whether he will continue with the hardline rhetoric he used during the campaign and transform them into actual policies. The Washington elite, who were unable to digest Trump's election as president, have been saying that Trump will have to give up on his radical proposals after being sworn in and will move within the present system. As justification for this, they suggest that, "once the names that Trump offers are faced with the realities of the areas they will govern, they will have to come to a more moderate position."

Aside from these speculations, the effects of Trump being elected president continue to be felt in the international arena. After it became clear that Trump would be the new U.S. president, the unease and uncertainty that appeared in the global economy continue to be seen. World markets continue to carefully follow the type of economic policies that Trump will enact after being officially sworn in. However, this wait also brings serious fluctuations in the global arena. These fluctuations are not just affecting developing economies as assumed. More than anything, this environment of global uncertainty and worry is creating serious pressure on Europe's politics and economy.

It is quite obvious that European politics will be faced with serious challenges after Trump is installed as president. But Europe's politics are not faced with serious challenges just because of the policies that Trump will implement, but also due to "Trumpist" discourse.

I have no doubt that the upcoming period will be one where harsh conflicts appear in the arena of global politics. Another factor I have no doubts on is that the economic crises and threat of uncertainty will hit countries experiencing political instabilities worst. In this sense, I think it would be better to separate countries among those who are experiencing political stability and instability rather than among developed and developing economies. In the upcoming period, it is clear that there will be a serious problem of political stability in Europe. The rise of the extreme right, the spread of racism, the idea of cultural essentialism taking root, and the radical change of the political arena is creating an environment of political instability in Europe. The leadership crisis that is being experienced in Europe is hitting each country one by one. European societies are asking for a strong leader and want their respective countries to be active in the gradually hardening manner of global politics. In this context, it regards the values and political righteousness of the European Union as meaningless and wrong.

For Europe, it is not hard to say that the near future does not look very bright. The referendum that occurred in Italy and Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's resignation shows the latest point to which the trend of shifting to the right has reached in Europe. Even the discourse of the socialist party in France is proof that the shift to the right has basically become the norm in European politics. In the elections that will occur in the year to come, it is probable that this shift to the right will deepen and change politics even more. This in turn implies that the distance between the people and political institutions will lengthen even more and that the actors who represent the status quo and those who want change and who have until now been regarded as the representatives of reactionary politics will face off.

Well, what is the situation from Turkey's point of view? I posit that despite the appreciation of the U.S. dollar in Turkey since the day Trump was elected president and the financial operations that are being carried out, an economic crisis will not occur. The main reason for this is that despite the domestic and foreign interventions and manipulations, Turkey's politics remain stable. Alongside this, the advancement of the relationship between the people and politics in a healthy manner and society continuing to strongly support the political administration in Turkey is extremely important.