On antagonism of the German Nazis against Turkey...

Turkish Prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Germany on saturday appeared to be a good deal of polemical. The German media had already converted this visit into a vehicle of anti-Turkey propaganda. Now we are aware that traditional German funds and finance capital are developing a dense antagonism against Turkey, abusing Erdogan. In fact, there are both historical and current reasons we have to undermine for that, because this is not only necessary for Turkey, but at the same time, for the German people and even for the whole of Europe, the future of which is being drawn up nowadays. Just as before the Second World War, the traditional German capital is taking Europe toward a darkness that even it cannot predict. Let's begin firstly with the crisis Europe faces. Germany desires to see this crisis as a debt crisis with Southern Europe suffering the most. It does not care if they pay their debt or no, even wants them to stay periphery countries which score up debts all the time with high interest rates. The Germans never had much of a colonial empire, so they see this as a historic opportunity. It wants the countries of the east and south to need Germany's permission to run into debt. Undoubtedly, this will result in Germany converting those countries into easily controlled technocrat governments, creating a kind of neocolonialism inside Europe, which was exactly what Hitler planned to do, by invading territories during Third Reich. So, now Chancellor Angela Merkel will be making a successful thanks to the debts with high interest rates, without the need to put soldiers on the ground. It is with that purpose in mind that Germany has always prevented the European Central Bank (ECB) from imposing a selective monetary expansion policy that will help the southern countries move forward and relieve the reel economy there.Throughout the crisis period, it has strived to keep the Euro's value high so the south European countries will continue to have their backs against the wall and make them unable to make an output based on exports. Germany encouraged the conversion of the economic crisis in the south to a political one and wanted Southern Europe and even Turkey to suffer a fate similar to Ukraine. The political consequence of this is a rapid and new Balkanization process in the south. Germany set and maintained the target of Balkanization since the 1990s, since West Germany united with the East. The breakup of Yugoslavia was the first Balkanization project. As we know all too well, the collapse of Yugoslavia was bloody and thousands of people were massacred in Sarajevo and other regions. We can see the massacres in Sarajevo as a tryout of a micro-genocide. This was the first step of the Third Reich to a passage to the Fourth Reich. Now, we are facing the second Balkanization process. The first Balkanization process emerged with political motives. The main origin of the current second Balkanization process is economic.As you may know, Zbigniew Brezezinski, drew a new "Asia-Balkanization" map stretching to China including Turkey in his book named Second Change (2007). The map starts from Ankara and stretches to China covering the Arabian Peninsula, the coasts of Northern Africa, and Caucasia, passing through infinite steppes of Russia full of energy sources. This whole area, as is known, was the area of Balkanization which was declared a "field of war" by George Bush first and his son George W. Bush later in order to establish a new American hegemony. Strangely, just as Bundesbank wants the ECB to embrace the Quantitative Easing (QE) policy and the south to be beaten by the crisis; the neocons of the U.S. mentored by Brezezinski, wanted the Federal Reserve to increase interests and terminate the expansionary monetary policies.This structure inside FED put intensive pressure on Ben Bernanke and his team for the QE to be terminated. One of the main reasons why Bernanke stepped back is this very pressure. However, Janet Yellen, chair of the FED, is more patient on this matter and more inclined to go her own way. The primary purposes of the pro-war neocon front were to cut the liquidity from being transferred to the developing countries, in order to cause financial crises, just as in the 1990s, and in turn, these countries would face economic instability and crises, turning also into political instability. After the coup d'État in Egypt, the new Balkanization process would begin in Turkey and Asia…Germany's policy on Europe and Turkey is not so different than the US neocon and Republican front. However, the annexation of Crimea by Russia split this policy right down the middle. Turkey's energy agreements with Iraq, Iran and Azerbaijan, which Germany and Russia tried to block, started to bear 'political' importance for both the U.S. and the integrity of EU. President of the European Parliament Jose Manuel Barroso delivered a speech at the Energy Summit the other day, emphasized the Russian risk and the energy needs of the EU. Russia is now a political and economic risk for us, he stated. Turkey is the only alternative energy route in the Southern Gas Corridor and stands as the only economic and political power able to open up both the Eurasian and African markets to the EU. Such a Turkey is shown as a political risk within the German media and capital dreaming of a Fourth Reich. But the German people should know that Turkey is the real guarantee for the EU, which provides stability within democracy and prosperity. However, the Neo-nazi remnant forces, getting stronger in the mainstream media, is not a threat for the German people, but also for all of the humanity.