Draghi's real problem and the Turkish alternative

As the country approaches the presidential elections, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's government is not just taking steps to change Turkey, but also bringing forth a new foreign policy to change Caucasia and the Middle East economically and politically.The prime minister's historic statement about the Armenian problem has to be one of the most significant symbols of the new period. At the same time, we heard the news that Hamas and Fatah have reconciled. Turkey had a great role in this reconciliation.Undoubtedly, the political results of this reconciliation will greatly contribute to the resolution of the Palestinian problem and its new path.Ever since I could remember, in this large region which covers the Middle East, the Armenian problem, the Kurdish, the Palestine problem and the Cyprus problem have strangled us like a Gordian knot.Those big problems of the 20th century are a crime and a shame for the humanity of nation states running late in the area are being untied at a surprising pace like Gordian hits the sword on the knot.After the statement of the Prime Ministry about the deportation of Armenians back in 1915, the Western media was bewildered, as they never understood where Turkey was heading and where it stands in this process.Now, they are partly aware of the situation.Of course, Russian President Vladimir Putin has a remarkable share in this awareness, as he has started to behave like Stalin, making use of the European crisis and the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Middle East-Caucasian region as a result of its preference for the Pacific.Yet, a good scare is worth more than good advice, as a Turkish saying implies.Turkey, in this very process, is moving forward - from energy to regional integration - to build the peace process. Actually, the process has two main points of origin.The first is the Caspian Sea and the second is northern Iraq. Let's start with the first one:Put your finger on the Caspian and move it eastward, westward and northward. You will see the explanation of Turkey about Armenia and why the Kurdish and Cypriot problems have entered a solution process and why Erdoğan will keep gaining strength.Turkey is taking steps to convey and commercialize the resources of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, northern Iraq and the Caspian to Europe through the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) project. In fact, for these sources to be realized and commercialized, there is no choice other than Turkey. Apart from that, the eastern Mediterranean natural gas reserves, under the control of Israel, have to be linked to the Southern Gas Corridor.This very fact shows us that both the Cyprus and the Palestine problems can be resolved moving from that point. Under these circumstances, we should assess the reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas with the contribution of Turkey within this context.Again in this framework, Prime Minister Erdoğan has indicated that Turkey must bring the Nagorno-Karabakh problem to the table to resolve the Armenian problemafter his statement about the Armenian problem. This means that Turkey will keep its relations with Azerbaijan privileged because the TANAP project and the transmission of Caspian resources to Europe through the Southern Gas Corridor are of vital importance for regional peace and integration. This being the case, the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh becomes too important to leave in the hands of the AGİT Minsk Group. Namely, we should expect effective incidents in the upcoming days for the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem. The West should support Turkey in the clearing of all political hitches concerning commercial transit passages and energy pipelines from Caucasia to Turkey. In these circumstances, the Syrian civil war and the fascist coup government in Egypt are major threats for global trade and economy.European Central Bank President Mario Draghi made a statement on April 24 stressing that it is a serious problem to keep the euro in a high price range and asset purchases are necessary, though not explaining how.The reason is that northern Europe, primarily Germany, does not want the south to grow in an export-based way. We now see that Draghi cannot do whatever he wants, as the EU needs a new expansion strategy. A Germany- oriented EU is the main cause of the current crisis. And this very EU is the biggest cause of Russia's annexation of Crimea, as Germany has, up to now, prevented alternative energy sources other than those from Russia from being commercialized across Turkey and insisted on blocking the accession process of Turkey into the EU.However, the aggressive - even Stalinist - expansion policy of Russia clearly shows that the EU cannot recover from the crisis without taking into consideration a new eastward expansion policy that covers Turkey as well.This is Draghi's exact problem. If the new EU wants to sustain the euro union, it should absolutely develop a new strategy of political union and expansion, the starting point of which is Turkey. Briefly stated, the fate of eastern and southern Europe now lies in Turkey.